120 in wall

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bre's dad

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 23, 2004
Inspired by Boxster's 180 in wall construction (looks great by the way), here are some photos of the 120 we just roughed in in our basement.

This is a fish only salt tank (moved our 75 into bigger quarters.) The stand is primarily built from doubled up 2x4's with a treated 2x4 base anchored to the floor w/ 4x3/8" concrete anchors (as are all of the downstairs wall bases.) We used moisture resistant 1/2" drywall with a plastic barrier between the drywall & studs to keep moisture out as much as possible. Lighting at this point is provided by 2 4ft shop lights w/ 160 watts (please keep in mind, this is a fish only.)

The overflow is rated @ 800gph (second to be added later) flowing into a 20 gal sump. Return pump is a Lifeguard Quiet One. Additional filtration is provided by a Fluval 404. Skimmer is an Oceanic 6 driven by a magdrive 5 pump.

Alot of work remains, including running a cold water lead & drain (to be added when the washer leads & drain are relocated) and a dedicated circuit coming from the fuse box.

In the future, if we ever decide to convert this to a reef, there is plenty of room above for MH & room below for a second sump/refugium.
more photos

One design change was the addition of a door at the top for front access. I didn't want to put one in, but it became clear it was needed. I will also build a small platform in front for our little girl. She likes watching the fish, but she's too short to see it. The tank is approx. 38" from floor.
Lookin Good! Keep us updated with pics please. I will be doing one of these projects in the future months. I cant wait!! :wink:
Great ideas, have the gym with the tank. Your wife will not complain that you are in the 'Gym' room doing some 'Exercise'.

Looking good. Don't see your electrical wiring? Is it in there yet?
right now, all is run from a power strip. There is an outlet right by the wall I put in that will be relocated in the future when we start wiring the rest of the basement.
Re: more photos

bre's dad said:
One design change was the addition of a door at the top for front access. I didn't want to put one in, but it became clear it was needed.

Can you show the drawing of the front access door if you have it? Just curious to know. I decided not to have one just for the look.
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