125 future fahaka tank

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Wow that's horrible! I'm so sorry. I hope he will be okay. If he is KIA, make sure you get a free replacement.
Yeah I really didn't get a listen to what the person on the phone said cause I was so mad and sad. But I will get another puffer free but they better pay shipping too.
Not till Monday but it will most likely be dead :/
But I'll get a new one no charge. I'm upset that it will be dead cause it's from the Nile. And it died in a dumb box. Might as well left in Africa.
Might be a small chance. If the temp is just right it cold put it in a dormant state. But I'm over it.

I have tank updates coming in a bit
I'm not sure if you guys can see this, but I have added jungle Val between rocks and around the drift wood.

I also added an amazon sword in. Can't wait for it to grow in thick.


Since I wasn't able to get my puffer today, I needed to spend some money to easy my mind.
So I bought 11 tiger barbs. I think that they would be a great addition to this aggressive puffer tank.


I'm gonna try breeding my own crayfish for puffer food. So I added this 20gall or more under my stand. I have to added some PVC pipes in there, but I like where it's going.


Here is a full picture of the tank right now.
I plan on changing the T8 light to T5 sometime.


And here is a picture of my 55gallon planted tank. The plants are pearling right now. Just wanted to throw it in. No Co2 added.

Looks great! I was just about to ask if you were going to breed your own crays, smart decision. Also I hope those tiger barbs hold up once you get the puffer in there haha
abrinn23 said:
Looks great! I was just about to ask if you were going to breed your own crays, smart decision. Also I hope those tiger barbs hold up once you get the puffer in there haha

I think they will. They are so fast. But if they don't owell not like they are really expensive. If he catches them he deserves them lol.
abrinn23 said:
Are there any other tank mates your going to try?

I might try otocinclus they will hang out on the log and plants. They might survive
Under the tank is the crayfish breeding tank for now. Gonna move them to a 60gallon. Depends on how they do.

But here they are having fun in their mini Hotel rooms. My rate charge is their life. Pretty cheap. :p

Haha that's so awesome. Hope they're cooperative and breed like they are suppose to
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