125 future fahaka tank

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He is the size of a thumb. He is eating blood worms and he already found a snail and ate it!!
If you had sand, then he would have buried himself in the sand from time to time. They only do this as juveniles in captivity.
Terrance said:
If you had sand, then he would have buried himself in the sand from time to time. They only do this as juveniles in captivity.

The side with no plants is sand. He hasn't done it yet though

Well I got it from the river so it's natural. I didnt want poolfilter Sand. But it seems fine to me.
It moves around easily but doesn't get in the water Column. Maybe when he gets a little older he will burrow. Maybe he isn't used to tanks with substrate yet. I just got him yesterday. Who knows maybe a live aquaria they had I'm in a glass bottom tank so he forgot what to do with it lol.
CharlieKlein said:
Just wondering, is this guy gonna have any tankmates? Or is he to aggressive?

He is an aggressive species. There is a school of 11 tiger barbs right now. They are a semi-aggressive species. I also put in three otocinclus. He has ready tried to eat them but they are to smart for him right now. But he might get them eventually. Can't wait to feed Jim when I get home.
Terrance said:
Sounds like a fun hunt. He will get stronger and faster very soon.

Yeah I'm just glad he's alive and eating. Because he was in a box for 5 days when he was supposed to be a next day delivery! Idk how the little guy did it.

Dumb fedx delays!

This is so funny my girlfriend texted me while I was at class like I cNt find the puffer ! I come home and look around the plants, and couldnt find him. I was like he's probably on the sand! And he was. What a coincidence that we was just talking about it!! That's good sand! Can barely see him
Predfan27 said:
You may wanna try those self cloning Crayfish. I hear they breed very easy.

Do you know where I can get the real deal self cloning and not an imposter?
There are some member here that have them...I'm pretty sure I read a thread where Terrance has them maybe you two can work something out
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