160gal Coral tank set up - need somebody to hold my hand.:)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 29, 2011
South Africa
Hi everyone

So I'm starting over after failing my first FOWLR attempt (white spot). I'm going to try corals this time as well. I really want to do this properly, so I want to consult you guys as I go along.

The equipment I have:

160 gal (US) tank
Reef Octopus SuperReef Skimmer (rated at 250gal i think)
Reef Octopus Media Reactor (I usually run Rowaphos)
2 x Sicce powerheads
Teco chiller with heater and UV lamp
T5 Lighting
Ozoniser with Reef octopus Ozone Reactor (plus SAGA MV controller)
Aquamedic RO unit

I've emptied my tank and I'm about to fill it up again and let it cycle.
I'm thinking of upgrading to the Maxscpet Razor LED lights - any thoughts? Any other bits of equipment I should get?

I have questions regarding putting corals through QT. How do I set up a QT tank for the corals and how long should I keep any new arrivals in QT? I also have no idea as to what and how many corals I should start with. I've learnt a lot about fish over the past year (mostly the hard way), but I'm completely new to corals and want to do things properly.

I'm hoping that you guys can guide me through this process. :D:thanks:
Well, I'd be concerned about a FOWLR system failing and then jumping back into things with a more complicated project. Coral need perfect parameters, most of them atleast.

Your equipment list is pretty solid...you might need more flow and I'm not sure why you have an ozone reactor. I've only ever seen those on planted freshwater tanks? In terms of the lights, I'm not familiar with those units.
If you're emptying the tank but using the sand right away make sure to run your tank without a fish for at least a month, part if the ich cycle is in the sand so you could find yourself in the same spot again. Your set up looks good and those razor lights look good but i dont know much about them. Make sure you lights match the coral you want t5's will dk for a bunch of different kinds.

Everyone ha differnt thoughts on this but i dont quaruntine my coral. I acclimate then dip to kill off any critters and in they go.
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