2 Month Report with Questions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 6, 2005
Valley Cottage, NY
I've had my first aquarium up and running now for about 2 months, 10 gallon stocked with 4 cories, 2 ottos, and planted with Anacharis. Things are going very well, the fish are fat and happy, and the plants are growing like weeds.

The only potential items are the following:

1) I'm not sure if it's a type of algae, but the aquarium glass is beginning to get covered with what looks like slimy white dust. The ottos are pretty fat, so I can only assume they are eating it, but am not sure what this stuff is.

2) The water doesn't look green at all with the aquarium lamp on, but if I have the light off during the day, the water seems to have a green tinge to it. Is this an issue?

3) I hate snails. At first I thought they were neat. Now I have 300. Every time I think I've picked them all out, 3 days later they are all back. I wish my tank was big enough to fit a loach :(

I do 20-30% PWC with gravel vac weekly, and the aquarium lamp (15w) is on for about 12 hours a day.
The only advice i have is for the snails... tie a piece of cucmber to something on the bottom, in the morning when its covered with snails, take them out, keeping doing that as many times as it takes.. i don't think you will ever be able to get rid of all the snails though unless u get something that eats them, and your tank is too small. Maybe you could "borrow" a loach? LOL
One of the many reasons I will never get a planted that, but thats just me. Unless you spend hours a day on them, they start to look like a mess one way or another.
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