20 Gal Planted build

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The twigs I added kept floating to the surface everytime I bumped them during PWCs or when trimming plants, so they're gone already. Replaced them with some plant trimmings. Still contemplating adding a background to this tank. Also added a single African Butterfly Cichlid to the tank over the weekend.




Butterfly Cichlid-

Your neon tetras miss the apple twigs ;). The tank is still breath taking! You inspire me!
Your neon tetras miss the apple twigs ;). The tank is still breath taking! You inspire me!

I know! They are probably pretty pissed at me right now. :huh: They might go back in..I had a fit of annoyance when doing some trimming earlier this week and took them out. Amazing how a little change in scenery can totally fascinate the little buggers! :blink:

Thanks :)
Thanks, guys :)

@youknowit, good luck with your tank! If you have questions, there are plenty of good plant guys here at AA who can help you out!
your tank is amazing,if my 55 looks half this good ill be happy
and oh, your tank is mersmerizing (sp?). :)

what are your stocks in here now?

Thanks, dear! I had some "customers" over earlier this week buying some RCS from me and they said that my tanks were some of the most beautiful ones they've ever seen. lol I think they were exaggerating, but it still made me feel good. :)

I'm probably a bit over stocked with my "RCS farm" in there, but there are:

10 neons
8 rose danios
1 butterfly cichlid

I am hoping to eventually swap this tank out for that 20 long I was telling you about. I think at that point I'll turn this tank into a plant grow out tank. I've been selling shrimp and plant trimmings on my local Craigslist and it would be nice to have a holding tank for the plants. (The 20 long will give my danios more space to spread out.)
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Thanks, dear! I had some "customers" over earlier this week buying some RCS from me and they said that my tanks were some of the most beautiful ones they've ever seen. lol I think they were exaggerating, it still made me feel good. :)

I'm probably a bit over stocked with my "RCS farm" in there, but there are:

10 neons
8 rose danios
1 butterfly cichlid

I am hoping to eventually swap this tank out for that 20 long I was telling you about. I think at that point I'll turn this tank into a plant grow out tank. I've been selling shrimp and plant trimmings on my local Craigslist and it would be nice to have a holding tank for the plants. (The 20 long will give my danios more space to spread out.)

I would totally agree with your customers with their comment about your tank. It is one of the most beautiful ones I have ever seen as well. I know I have said this before, but your tanks always calms me. :-D

Thanks for telling me your stocks. I was just wondering how many neons you have in there coz they look a lot and they look so cute together. I might copy your stocks when my 20G long gets done but I might not. We'll see. But I really do like your stocks. :)
Thanks for telling me your stocks. I was just wondering how many neons you have in there coz they look a lot and they look so cute together. I might copy your stocks when my 20G long gets done but I might not. We'll see. But I really do like your stocks. :)

I really enjoy my rose danios and I'd certainly recommend neons- they are small but add that great punch of color to a tank. The cichlid is new, but I love the little stinker already. He swims up to the glass and stares at me quite like my Angels in my 50 gal do. I see more cichlids in my future. :)
It's probably stated somewhere in these 13 pages but what do you use to make your plants so healthy and amazing? My planted is decent but no where near as fantastic as this.
It's probably stated somewhere in these 13 pages but what do you use to make your plants so healthy and amazing? My planted is decent but no where near as fantastic as this.

No special plant substrate; just a good light fixture, Flourish Comprehensive, and Flourish Excel.

Thanks, btw :)
Your tank inspired me, im going to use my sad empty 20 gallon for my plants. Got a little side set up to move fish while i change over. Cant wait to see your future tanks and how this one continues to grow.
Hey man, tank looks good and healthy.

What liquid ferts are you using? Are you using Co2?

Also, what is your foreground plant? I can't put my freaking finger on it ha ha.
^^See my above post..no Co2 but I dose lightly with Excel. The foreground plant is chain sword. :)

Oh, totally missed that my bad ha ha. And you still running that 24w dual Nova?

Yeah that's what I thought I have some ha ha, was just too lazy to go upstairs and look into the tank. :lol:

Looks healthy though man, keep it up.
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