20 Gal Planted build

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daileene said:
i cannot seem to get tired looking at your tank darling...just marvelous! :-D

On that note, you should put a live feed of your tank vía webcam and charge for it! You might make a buck or two.
Wow your tank looks AMAZING! How long has it been setup? I just set up my forty gallon with 20 lbs. of Eco-Complete substrate and dose with Flourish Excel daily with a dual T5 HO fixture. I want enhanced plant growth like yours! :)
On that note, you should put a live feed of your tank vía webcam and charge for it! You might make a buck or two.

*ha* Maybe then I could make a few dollars back to make up for my obessive complusive buying disorder that kicks into high gear everytime I step into the plant room at the fish store. :lol:
Wow your tank looks AMAZING! How long has it been setup? I just set up my forty gallon with 20 lbs. of Eco-Complete substrate and dose with Flourish Excel daily with a dual T5 HO fixture. I want enhanced plant growth like yours! :)

Thanks! This particular tank has been setup since January but this latest rescape was done in the begining of July. Still not 100% happy with it, but it's getting there. I'd like to add more of the Cyperus helferi to create more of a transition from the chain sword to the rotala, and I'm still patiently (or impatiently rather) waiting for the crypts to fill in on the left hand side. She is coming along nicely though! Gotta love the way chain sword looks when it's all filled in and healthy. :)

Good luck with your tank! Sounds like you have a great start.
So do CRS and red cherry shrimp get along with African Butterfly Cichlids?

Very Nice looking shrimp!! :)

Thanks! IMO, RCS can work with a great deal of different types of fish if there is good ground cover. The chain sword in this tank makes a great breeding ground for my RCS and protects them from hungry fish. Have I ever seen free swimming shrimplets get eaten? Of course, but the adults breed easily enough that there is very little impact on their numbers. Idk if the CRS will breed in my tank..We'll see as time progresses.
Thanks! IMO, RCS can work with a great deal of different types of fish if there is good ground cover. The chain sword in this tank makes a great breeding ground for my RCS and protects them from hungry fish. Have I ever seen free swimming shrimplets get eaten? Of course, but the adults breed easily enough that there is very little impact on their numbers. Idk if the CRS will breed in my tank..We'll see as time progresses.

Thanks for the info! I need to get my 20 gal planted already!! ha :)
Update: Stumbled upon some CRS at TFP, so I have new additions to this tank! Picked up some Cyperus helferi as well. (right corner of tank)



Woah gorgeous tank! Nice job!
New pics :) Cyperus helferi seems to growing well. Trimmed most everything back since last photo update..The hygro was still out of control but better now. Went back into TFP and they had just a handful of CRS left, so I bought a few more. Really enjoying them and am happy that they seem to be thriving so far.

My pretties:

Coleallensmom said:
New pics :) Cyperus helferi seems to growing well. Trimmed most everything back since last photo update..The hygro was still out of control but better now. Went back into TFP and they had just a handful of CRS left, so I bought a few more. Really enjoying them and am happy that they seem to be thriving so far.

My pretties:

I love your tank. I may have missed it but what all plants do you have?
Thanks! This one has:

Rotala Rotundifolia
Star Grass
Willow Leaf Hygro
Echinodorus bleheri
Cyperus helferi
Crypt Wendtii Red
Crypt Wendtii Green
Crypt Lutea
Chain Sword
Ludwigia Palustris (Narrowleaf)
Thanks:) and your lighting? Wish mine looked like yours:( I'm jelly xp
Coleallensmom said:
2x 24W Nova Extreme T5HO fixture from Current Usa...All of my tanks stats are listed in my profile including flora and fauna lists. :)

I have the same:) ima check out your tank, I really like it!
Been almost a month since I posted a photo, so here goes! The rose danios were rehomed to my son's 20 gal long today. Replaced them with some juvenile green neons which I am in love with. :)


Green neon swimming with my neons-

I was gonna have green neons! lol but switched to rummynose..
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