27 Gallon Hexagon Tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 1, 2011
What would be good stocking options for a 27 gallon hexagon tank (fully cycled- pH7.0). I really like German Rams, Silver Hatchets, and dwarf gouramis. The problem is that the tank is really tall and always looks empty. Angels would probably do well, but I am sort of "ehh" on how they look. Perhaps many zebra danios and neon tetras could look nice as well.
I know you're ehh on the Angels, but an Angel would be excellent as the grow vertically more than horizontally.

Danios tend to swim up top, meaning they'd probably get a lot out of the height of your tank and neon tetras are small enough that the lack of width probably wouldn't affect them adversely.

I haven't owned any rams, hatchets, or gouramis though.

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