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In process.

I added some mycorrhiza powder directly to the substrate to see if it does anything.

The bed is very shallow. Trying to minimize anaerobic pockets.

Everybody's going crazy in the quarantine. They did not appreciate me taking plants out.
The tank is filled. I accidentally used water that's about room temperature, so... Ugh... It's warming up.

I am so exhausted.

It's good, though, to let the dust settle.
If you are trying to promote root growth in the staur repens using the mycorrhiza, you might get more than you bargained for. Mature staur repens can be extensive (not quite like swords/crypts). Curious to see how this turns out.

The tank looks so empty!

The rotala leaves were drastically different sizes, shapes, and sizes based on their location from before. I want them to grow back as seamlessly.
Would be curious to know how it goes and if settled ok? Not sure we can get here but interested.
I use it in all of my terrestrial plants. It's fantastic stuff. I have no idea how it's going to work submerged. There are people who swear by it!
If you are trying to promote root growth in the staur repens using the mycorrhiza, you might get more than you bargained for. Mature staur repens can be extensive (not quite like swords/crypts). Curious to see how this turns out.
The rabbits keep digging it up, so I'm all for extensive roots! If I can avoid tearing this build down for a while, that would be great.
Wow - that cleared up well. I looked at the powder and thought it would be a big mess. Looks better than the API laterite clay.
But seriously how do people use HOB filters without injuring their snails?

Shortly before bed, I pulled the mesh screen off the intake because it was full of brown slime. This morning, Friendly Giraffe was well inside the intake. She's been holding on to one of the rabbit snails since then, so I guess she's okay? Just... Ugh

Narcotics should be allowed during physical therapy.

Friendly Giraffe is active, eating, and otherwise appears to be okay. She loves that filter intake tube, though, so the mesh screen is really important.

Between mother's day, my sister's birthday, my dad's birthday, father's day, and coinsurance for the child's MRI (over $500!), a new filter isn't in the cards right now.

My dad's opinion of his birthday gift was not what I had expected. We gave him a print of the topple popple's brain. I thought it was awesome. He said he prefers pictures where she has skin. So I definitely can't skimp on father's day.

Seriously how awesome is that?

Anyway, dads get disproportionate recognition on father's day. Mom got Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans. Dad deserves something as good, and I don't think he would consider aquarium equipment he would never see as anything all that great.

I have noticed that the flow is much better where the filter is now. There's no snail poop on the substrate, but the mesh prefilter has to be cleaned every day. Seems like a worthwhile trade-off, though.
I'm thinking of setting up a passive aquaponic system. I've been researching a lot. I've got a few plants just hanging out inb the water around the edges.
Is passive a closed circuit?
Closed circuit? I don't know. It's where the grow bed is right at or slightly below the water line so that you don't need a pump. I.e. sticking plants in your aquarium.

I used some of the polyester mesh that I used for the moss wall and stitched a couple different plants onto them. I've figured out a way to make airline suction cups hold the mesh in place. I have no idea if these particular plants will work. I have strawberry, lavender, clover, basil, paprika, and hibiscus. They are all plants I happened to have extra of, so it's alright if they don't make it.


I sorted out those plants I had removed a few days ago. I'm realizing that I don't like java ferns at all but I'm very good at growing them. I've got all these little plantlets that I for some reason feel like I can't get rid of. I glued them to some faux woodgrain ceramic pieces. Maybe I can sell them once they've grown a bit.
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