29 Gallon Planted Build...Advice Appreciated!!!

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Update time:)

Went to petsmart and got 15 neon tetras and 10 ghost shrimp. In the process of adding the neons my black skirts got stressed out amd are pacing in one big school along the back wall. The shrimp seem to be eating anything they find. I found my snail today, still don't know what type he is :(

Tested water for pH, ammo, trites, amd trates came back with 7.4, 0ppm, 0ppm, 15ppm trates. Will do a pwc tomorrow to knock those down.
One of my elodea stems is at the surface already, and I replanted a little forked stem after I saw a new root on it.

Added 1 moss ball for the shrimp, and also added my fake half log for another cave.

I discovered that my DW is catching some of my co2 bubble. Cant beat that time in the water :)

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most of the black skirts are back to pacing the back wall :( not sure if they are stressed from the neons or what.

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Ok, i might replant that tall anacharis stem today so it isn't floating on top. I will see if any of the other stems have roots growing halfway up or higher and I will replant those too.

To replant the anacharis do I need to wait for new roots to poke out or can I repla t them without seeing any roots?

The last time I replanted one I cut it 1 inch below a new root, removed ~1/2 inch of leafs, and stuck in bottom.

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Tried counting how many neons I have and came up with 17-22. Guess I got some extras for free :) also found a second pond snail, still not to worried about them

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Ok, i might replant that tall anacharis stem today so it isn't floating on top. I will see if any of the other stems have roots growing halfway up or higher and I will replant those too.

To replant the anacharis do I need to wait for new roots to poke out or can I repla t them without seeing any roots?

The last time I replanted one I cut it 1 inch below a new root, removed ~1/2 inch of leafs, and stuck in bottom.

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I think you will get mixed answers as to whether folks remove the leaves at the base of the stem while trimming and replanting or leave them. I guess it depends on the plant. If the leaves are large then I remove them. Else, I plant as is. In some cases I feel that the intact leaves help hold the stem in place until the roots grow.
I think its a bonus if you trim the stem just below where the root comes out but I don't think its a requirement.

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I think you will get mixed answers as to whether folks remove the leaves at the base of the stem while trimming and replanting or leave them. I guess it depends on the plant. If the leaves are large then I remove them. Else, I plant as is. In some cases I feel that the intact leaves help hold the stem in place until the roots grow.
I think its a bonus if you trim the stem just below where the root comes out but I don't think its a requirement.

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I never thought about that. When I replant I will leave half with the leaves and half without. See which ones do better.

Can anyone ID this algae? See picture below. I saw a couple stems of the algae growing on my fake rock cave, and I remember seeing a thread that had the same algae but again cant find it. It is to small to take a picture of

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It looks like staghorn, but it doesn't have as many branches on it.

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Trimmed the elodea back a littke bit. Just cut the one reaching the surface and one with an inch long root coming out of a new branch. Cut the branch 1 inch below the joint and replanted with all the leaves on, did the same to the stem near the surface (leaves on).

I also checked the really short wisteria plant for root growth. Found 3 new sections with roots :):)

Should be replanting some java plantlets in the next month or so. Probably a dozen or so plantlets forming on some of the leaves now, and more popping up everyday

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When I upgrade the light will I need to start dosing ferts? I have root tabs in now in the area of the wisteria and elodea

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I would expect with more light you'll need to add nutrients. Like everything there are varying approaches to fertilizing.

I'd strongly suggest visiting barrreport.com. The forums are quiet but reading the stickies has served me well.

And ask around for some opinions on how best to balance nutrients, co2, and light ... So you don't get algae.

Are you sure you need more light?

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I am running a single T8 NO that is designed for plants, not sure if I can go with higher light plants with this light. I also remember reading a sticky here that said these tubes degrade rather quickly and need to be replaced every year.

I am asking for the elive 30" LED fixture for Christmas. I like the fact that I can customize what type of lighting I want to have, and it has a planted tank module available

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Yes, high light needs Carbon of some sort or you just grow Algae.

Depending on PAR value of that light will tell you high medium or low light.

I use liquid ferts as I have small tanks. Dry ferts are more economical and more customizable for larger or more high tech setups.

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I have a DIY CO2 system set up right now. ~1 BPS in my 500mL bubble counter

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Sounds like you're going to have a great tank!

I'd suggest learning about estimative index. The dry ferts are so economical. I'm pretty sure it's green leaf aquariums that sells an EI fert kit.

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Thanks trennamw! I will definitely look into the dry ferts when I get the chance tonight. I will also post a new FTS

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not sure how one lf my wisteria is doing :( its the one in the second picture, some of the lower leaves are turning brown and limp it looks like. Could this be frkm being in the DW shadow? The third picture is one of the other wisteria plants that looks healthy.

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What does everyone think of switching my plant background with straight black? It would definitely make the neons pop but i am worried the black skirts would just blend in.


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I think you should try it. The black skirts have silver undersides so they should show up well. I think the plants with show up better.

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Ok, should have bought a quarantine tank..i think some of the neons have ich :(

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