29 gallon thread/journal!

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Ya you can want to hear my 29g stocking? 2x dwarf gourami
2x ram
3x kribs( one a jouvi still)
2x sae
4x gold barbs
1 upside down cat
allaboutfish said:
could i switch the gourami with a powder blue and then get a german blue ram?

You mean like a dwarf one right?
could i switch the gourami with a powder blue and then get a german blue ram?

That should be a fine mix. The gourami will hang out towards the top more, and the ram towards the bottom, so even if they don't want to be the best of friends, they shouldn't get in eachothers way. :)
here's the apisto.
ok so updated stocking
6-male guppies,
1-dwarf gourami,
6-white skirt tetras,
1-albino bristlenose pleco,
6-juli corys,
1-apisto viejita,
1-german blue ram.
cant wait. ok so now that i have everything planned im bored what else do yall do when you get pretty much done with planning your tank?
allaboutfish said:
ok so updated stocking
6-male guppies,
1-dwarf gourami,
6-white skirt tetras,
1-albino bristlenose pleco,
6-juli corys,
1-apisto viejita,
1-german blue ram.
cant wait. ok so now that i have everything planned im bored what else do yall do when you get pretty much done with planning your tank?

Umm... Dang it! I have to burst bubbles again. You need to pick two lol. Either the apisto, the ram, or the DG. They all claim and defend territory. :( I'm sorry.
arg narg garg barg farg narg arg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what could i replave the dwarf gourami with i kinda want a cool centerpiece fish for the top.
I think it'd work. If you do a female, and add it last, you'd be better off then you would with the DG.
Or if you'd like, you could just go without a top centerpiece. You've got a lot of nice fish already.
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