3 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 6, 2022
Hey guys!

I know that there aren’t many options but I have a 3-gallon tank tall that is cycled and planted and I want to add something. Please keep in mind it’s a 3 gallon TALL.

I think the only options are MAYBE shrimp and nano fish but I want to see what I can do. I don’t want it to go to waste.
I agree with Colin, without length, fish of any kind would have some issues in that small a volume of water while shrimps and some snail species won't mind.
You could also focus on it being a beautiful aquascape as well as the shrimp and snails. Try looking up "tall aquascapes" and hitting "images". Tall plants, whether live or artificial, and a dramatic piece of tall narrow decor could make a striking environment.
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