36 Gallon Cichlid Aquarium Question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 12, 2012
Suggestions please:
I have a 36 gallon Bow front, It currently has an OB Peacock, a Yellow Lab, and a Giraffe that I will be handing off to some one else. Any suggestions on what fish would be proper tank mates and not get too large? I do not think I will get a larger aquarium at this point so I need to work with what I have.
I am Keeping the Lab and the OB. The Giraffe is going to get way too big. By the way I am big NY Giants fan also!
The Gmen are going to crush the pack baby!!!!then the 49ers or siant whaoooo superbowl here we come!!!!

Well not much can be kept with africans besides other african and plecos. Also 36g isnt too much room. I would say you need a 55g for the fish you have now, they can get around 6 inches. But maybe a krib, but it would have to be full gorwn, or a buffalohead cichlid.
I hope you are right about the Gmen. I like this matchup better then the Saints. I knew I could only do Africans I was jut wondering if I could get away with 6-7 fish? What about Julies?
Ya julies would probably work. That could be a cool setup if it works. The lab and peacock, then a buffalo head and a Julie. It might just work too if you give them some good caves to claim as there own.

I would much rather have the 49ers, but I'm not scared of anyone, BRING IT!!!!
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