40 Gallon Breeder??

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 27, 2012
Arlington, Virginia
what kind of fish could you put in a 40G Breeder? hopefully its not to difficult to find out...

the reason i ask is cause i know petco is doing a sale 1$=1G on all fish tanks between 10G & 55G and i was thinking about picking one up but before i go ahead with that i wanted to know potential stocking
HopefulHobbiest said:
what kind of fish could you put in a 40G Breeder? hopefully its not to difficult to find out...

the reason i ask is cause i know petco is doing a sale 1$=1G on all fish tanks between 10G & 55G and i was thinking about picking one up but before i go ahead with that i wanted to know potential stocking

A 40 breeder is a good size tank for a lot community fish. I have one myself that I've been working on. What kind of fish were you interested in?
well i currently have a 55G with several fish in it. also getting a 125G from a coworker in the next few weeks but i wanted to grab a 40G Breeder just to add to the collection...

my 55G has a sand substrate and i'm not sure if i want to do a gravel setup in the 125G but deffinitely a possiblity in the 40G if i buy it.

but i know rough gravel(or gravel in general) will limit the types of bottom feeders. for example i've heard that the gravel may be really rough on the barbels for catfish, corys, loaches, pretty much anything with barbels.

long story short if i pick up the 40G breeder i will most likely do a mid-heavy planted/gravel tank and i would like some bottom feeder but nothing to sensitive(barbel wise)...

any suggestions?

Edit- i like bottom feeders a lot but i want this to be as diverse as possible... top/mid/bottom, ya know?
The large length x width footprint and lower height of a 40 breeder make it a great tank for small schooling/shoaling fish that like to roam.

It also makes a good planted tank since the light can penetrate deeper with less watts.
HopefulHobbiest said:
what other types of fish could i get?

How about polka dot loaches? They're a little expensive where I live (12 dollars) but they are very active and a lot of fun to watch.
I'd do a couple of decently sized schools of tetras, barbs, or dwarf rainbowfish. I like rummy nose tetras, checker barbs, black ruby barbs and neon dwarf rainbowfish particularly. Pearl gourami always make beautiful additions to community tanks, and a pair or two of german blue rams or apistos are always fun.
Yup. They're generally very peaceful (although they do get a little territorial when breeding) and they have a ton of personality, but man... just look at them. Amazing looking fish. Mine spends most of his time hanging out with my honey gourami and rummy nose tetras.

German Blue Ram - YouTube

(Vid is not my ram (mine is still a juvie)! Just wanted to show you a good example of how beautiful they can look.)
Thats Amazing!... i think if i pick up the 40G breeder then a couple Rams are a must :) :)

Edit- How is there care level? i've read that they can be somewhat difficult to care for...
Slight Change of Direction....

i'm pretty much sold now on the 40G Breeder. but i have yet another set of questions...

i've been reading a lot about the GBR and i would like to try to get a breeding pair(or 2 pairs)

#1. for breeding purposes, how many GBR can i have in a 40G Breeder?(at most i would only want 2 or 3 pairs... so at most 6 GBR all together if possible)

#2. can i have any other type of fish in the same tank? (Kinda like a breeding/community tank?)

i may have more questions, but they're not coming to mind right now so i'll start here... hope someone can answer these.
I'd do 2 pairs at the most. There'll be a good bit of squabbling.

You can do other community fish but the more fish in there reduces the odds of any fry surviving for long.
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HopefulHobbiest said:
i'm pretty much sold now on the 40G Breeder. but i have yet another set of questions...

i've been reading a lot about the GBR and i would like to try to get a breeding pair(or 2 pairs)

#1. for breeding purposes, how many GBR can i have in a 40G Breeder?(at most i would only want 2 or 3 pairs... so at most 6 GBR all together if possible)

#2. can i have any other type of fish in the same tank? (Kinda like a breeding/community tank?)

i may have more questions, but they're not coming to mind right now so i'll start here... hope someone can answer these.

I would say no more than 2 pairs. As long as you have enough hiding placed and decoration to break up territories they should be ok. You can definitely have more fish In the tank. The rams may get a bit aggressive but the fish can usually handle it.
I would say no more than 2 pairs. As long as you have enough hiding placed and decoration to break up territories they should be ok. You can definitely have more fish In the tank. The rams may get a bit aggressive but the fish can usually handle it.

i promise i'm not trying to be a pest to you and everyone else who's helping, i'm just not that knowledgable about GBR but would LOVE to try my hand at breeding such a lovely looking fish.

so i must ask, do you know what other types of fish would work well in a 40G and would NOT bother the GBR or the potential fry?
GBRs benefit from having what's called dither fish around. I'd say you could easily do a decent sized school of rummy nose tetras and cardinal tetras, or really any sort of peaceful schooling fish.
a nice size school would be nice, how many Rummy would you recommend?

i know nothing of tetras lol

Edit- oh wow, i just looked at the cardinal tetra... they look amazing. color is so brilliant...

also, whats the definition of dither fish??
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