Aquarium Advice Apprentice
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- Mar 15, 2019
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Hey everyone I ve had a freshwater 10g for about 3 years now and I want to plan for an upgrade. I am going to keep the fish from the ten gallon and move it to the new tank, a 40g cobalt aquatics c vue. I am planning to get the tank in a month and wanted to do some research first. So far, I’ve came up with stocking ideas. Is it too much fish?
New fish:3x red eyed tetras 5x Congo tetras 5x dwarf Gouramis 4xclams
Older/ already have Fish:4x guppies 1xmolly 1xswordtail 2xred eyed tetras 2xgolden algae eaters 1x eel like fish
Could I still fit more fish?
Also, I haven’t cycled a freshwater tank for a while (my most recent tank I cycled was a saltwater fluval evo 13.5 3 months ago, but I sort of had someone else test the parameters and tell me it was ok for fish.) I know the nitrogen cycle and cycling the tank is similar to cycling a saltwater tank, but could you just remind me about cycling? If I used filter media from my old tank, would the new tank be cycled? Also, what filter media could I use for this new tank?
New fish:3x red eyed tetras 5x Congo tetras 5x dwarf Gouramis 4xclams
Older/ already have Fish:4x guppies 1xmolly 1xswordtail 2xred eyed tetras 2xgolden algae eaters 1x eel like fish
Could I still fit more fish?
Also, I haven’t cycled a freshwater tank for a while (my most recent tank I cycled was a saltwater fluval evo 13.5 3 months ago, but I sort of had someone else test the parameters and tell me it was ok for fish.) I know the nitrogen cycle and cycling the tank is similar to cycling a saltwater tank, but could you just remind me about cycling? If I used filter media from my old tank, would the new tank be cycled? Also, what filter media could I use for this new tank?