50g Build!!

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This is on your 50g, correct? Just as long as we know where it is right now is whats important. You will be checking it often so no need to check it again. Your all set! :)
Yep on the 50g! Glad I don't have to deal with it right now. 7.57ml of amm sound about right?? Just want to be sure, really don't want to do a big wc.
Sounds about right (dont have the calculator in front of me though!)! Because '7.57' may be a bit difficult to dose accurately, i would round down to 7.50 or even 7 if you dont have a precise means to measure 1/2 (.50) of an ml. :)
Thats what I was thinking. I am using one of those medication syringes to measure it out. Do I need to post my results after I add amm?
Nope! Wait 1/2hr after dosing & check your amm just so you know where it is (and what 4ppm looks like). Because you mentioned your tank is reading .25, i would start with 7 & recheck bit later. Its always easier to underdose & then add a few drops more if needed than to overdose & have to do a water change. :)
Alright. I dosed 7ppm's amm almost a hour ago. Test results are..... 8.4 High Range PH, 8.0ppm Ammonia, .25-.50ppm Nitrite, 20-40ppm Nitrate. Got some crazy colors tonight.
Ok- are you positive your ammonia is 8ppm? I would double check this & view the test in a bright light at exactly 5mins. If it is, do a 50% water change- this will bring your level down to 4 if its truly at 8ppm.
Okay, give me a minute and I will post the results. I'm going to cry if I have to do a 50% wc. I don't think my poor knees will ever forgive me lol.
Try this first- fill up 1/2 tube with tank water (1/2 way to white line) then add 1/2 tap. This is the equivalent of a 50% pwc. See what these results read for amm. Do you have a python/other type of water changer? If not, invest/make one soon! You will be able to do water changes on this size tank in about 10-15mins instead of forever lugging buckets.

EDIT- posted this at the same time as you posted your results! 4ppm is a relief!! No water change needed! :)
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YES!!! You have no idea how relieved I am!! I really need to start looking into buying/making one. Going to go look into that right now. My knees kill after just a few buckets (Who'd of thought a 14yr old who weighs 98lbs could have major knee problems :nono:) so I don't know how many wc's I can go through without it.
Alright, I tested the water today. The high range ph is like a cranberry color so I have no idea where that puts it, 4.0 ppm Ammonia, 1.0 ppm Nitrite, and a little over 20 ppm Nitrate. It seems nothing but the Ph and nitrites have changed.
Ok! Your ph is likely sitting @8.2 (maybe a touch higher) if it hasnt turned a purple color. It will look reddish in color. No worries! Now, your beginning the fun part- waiting! No amm needed today. We have to wait for it to drop. :)
jlk said:
Ok! Your ph is likely sitting @8.2 (maybe a touch higher) if it hasnt turned a purple color. It will look reddish in color. No worries! Now, your beginning the fun part- waiting! No amm needed today. We have to wait for it to drop. :)
Alright!! When do you want me to test it again? Oh and would it help if I added some substrate and more media but from my 10g this time?
Testing again tommorrow is fine- no need to test more than once every 24hrs but go ahead & test more frequently if you feel the need to! If your 10g is cycled, adding some substrate/media should help a bit but dont do this if your going to throw your 10g back into a cycle- not worth it! Ill post a link if your interested in purchasing an 'active' (live, seeded) filter from Angelsplus. They have helped quite a few members successfully cycle their tanks quickly! Your tank will still cycle without it but you will have to have some patience. :)

Sponge Filters for aquariums
The 10g is already cycled and I have a home made sponge filter on it (I would have bought one but I needed it immediatley because the aquaclear over flowed and ruined my dresser) so I could use the sponge filter on that once it served it's purpose. What size would you think I'd need??

Also I ordered a heater, 250 Pro Aqueon. I had googled how much wattage I needed and 2 sites said 250 so I went ahead and ordered it. The box says it heats up to 90g and the side says 150 is what I'd need for my 50g. Does it matter that I have to much wattage?
For the 50g, i would opt for the 4' active sponge (2 would be quicker)- you can either run them with an airpump or cut them up & put them in your filter. Either works!

In respect to the heater, i honestly can not answer your question because i do not know! I have only ever kept coldwater fish (no heaters needed) & cycled my tanks without the benefit of heat. Perhaps you should ask a question in gen discussion for the correct answer but i am guessing too much wattage is better than not enough as long as the heater is adjustable. :)
Alright, I'll go look at them!

Well thanks anyways!! I'll try that :)
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