55 gallon, crushed coral ok for freshwater community fish?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 25, 2012
I am setting up a 55 gallon tank and bought Florida crushed coral instead of gravel. Is crushed coral ok to use for freshwater community fish other then cichlids? Or am I better off with a certain type of sand? I want to add a blue lobster or crab to the mix as well.
It will raise your ph a good bit from whatever it is coming out of the tap. If your tap water is within the recommended ph levels then I wouldnt use it. Sand would be better imo.
I agree with Andrew would raise the ph plus I think it causes high nitrates because a lot of stuff gets trapped in it.
Yes, I just set up the tank last night and ended up using black sand. It looks great! What are some good starter fish? And when should I put water conditioner in? I already put dechlorinator in.
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