55 gallon start up

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 11, 2012
I have a 55 gallon top fin starter kit that I got about a month ago. I'm going to setting it up here in the next week or so. It came with one heater and a top fin 60 filter. I know from reading that I should get another heater just in case the one goes down. Should I keep the heater it came with and buy another one or just by two new heaters? What size should I buy? Also I've read the reviews on the filter and they pretty much suck. What would be a good filter to replace it with? Right now I'm kind of strapped for cash so should I just purchase a cheaper one so I can have two on the tank? I know more is better.
I'm also decide I'm going to put sand in the tank, fake plants,and want to do a fishless cycle on the tank. I just wanted to make sure I want to buy pure ammonia right? Do I want to put in all of the decor in while cycling the tank or add it in during a certain time during the cycle? I'm new to this and want to get it right this time. I have a 20 gallon that I screwed up on and don't want to do the same thing again. Please let me know.
Hi! Adding another filter is a good idea! The topfin filter is rated @300gph. Look for another filter rated 300-400gph. Most people recommend Aquaclears but I know they are a bit more expensive than some other brands. Marineland or Aqueon are 2 other brands to consider. If you are looking for a deal, check out Amazon or ebay. Their filters typically are anywhere from $15- $40 (or more) less than most lfs. Also, make sure you have a good liquid test kit (such as API master test kit). They are also much cheaper on Amazon ($20-23 vs lfs $35+).

Make sure you wash your sand very well before adding it to the tank. An old pilllow case works well! Feel free to decorate it right now- theres no need to wait on decorating. Ace Hardware (google store locator) is one of the best sources for ammonia but theres a few other places with usable ammonia (such as Dollar Tree, Do It Best Hardware, Amazon etc). Save yourself some time & effort by skipping the big chain home stores (Home Depot, etc), Walmart, grocery stores, etc because you will not find anything usuable. Ill post the fishless cycle guide & the ammonia calculator for you- please ask any questions you may have!!! :)


JLK pretty much covered it I think I just wanted to add that if you still have your 20 gall up and running try and get some seeding material from it, it will help with the cycle too.

Id run two filters on it, more area for bacteria to grow can't hurt!
Thanks for the info. Jlk I'll probably will have a lot more questions during the cycle.
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