5gal nano

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 12, 2008
Nova Scotia, Canada
hey i have a 5gal tank to lying around at my place and i was thinking of turning it into a SW tank. is it worth my time to switch it over or should i hold out for a 10gal so i can put a fish in it?
Depends on what you'd like to do :) I Imagine it'd be good for a small invert only tank. Either way you'll have to keep up with maintance on such a small tank, but it'd be neat!
yeah i dont know if i am ready for seahorses yet but i will keep it in mind, i was thinking just inverts, mostly because i dont think there are any fish small enough to thrive in such a small enviroment, but everytime i go in my basement i see it just sitting there and i was to start it right away so i think i am going to do it and if a 10gal comes along will just upgrade it
5 gallons can be done but you have to be very good about doing your weekly water changes because your water parameters will change very quickly in a tank that small. You can look at putting a clown goby or maybe a dart fish in there. If i were you i would just do a nice reef and maybe a couple inverts. Salt tanks are usually a bit bigger then FW just because it makes them a bit easier to maintain and SW fish need more space.

Saltwater Aquarium Fish for Marine Aquariums: Clown Goby, Yellow

clown gobys come in a bunch of different colors and like to perch on rocks and coral so they don't need a lot of swimming room. You will probably only be able to put in one fish in a tank that size though. Not sure what your situation is but i would save your pennies and upgrade to a 15-30gallon tank down the road. will give you more options for fish and corals. There are several nano cubes that are in that range and come with a bunch of what you need to get started. Good way to break into SW.
yeah the tank is more likely just going to house inverts since i already have a 30gal tank which i will keep for fish, but i was just curious to see what, if any, fish would be ok in a 5gal. i will more then likely increase it to a 10gal at some point i just want to get started because the SW bug has bit me.
I would say to look at gobys. There are several real small ones that might be ok in 5gal. You could also try a jawfish or some small burrowing fish. They don't need much room as long as they have a good rock to dig out under for a home. Possible blennies as well.
There are plenty of small gobies to choose from. Clown. Rainford. Neon (blue or yellow). High fin varieties. Panda (that's really neat IMO), and a few more that escape me for now. Look'm up. A lot of'm grow only as large as 2".

Firefish. And likely even some blennies.
thanks alot i will definatly look into the different gobys and i will probably head out to the store tonight and pick up some sand. plus my LFS is aving a sale this weekend so i can get some LR and BR pretty cheap
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