60 G. Tank integrity? Corners not flush!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 1, 2009
I need some advice pretty quickly and I don't know who to ask! :)

We have a 60 gallon tank and we have had it for about 4 years now.

I'm nervous that the corners of the glass are not 'flush'. And i do not want 60 gallons of water on my hardwood floors! :)

I don't remember the glass being so 'skewed'?

Should I be concerned?

Thank you in advance for any advice!
Welcome to AA! It does not sound good to me. If it indeed has been like that for 4 years perhaps it is structurally strong, despite being uneven at the corners. I would be extremely wary of the tank.
"Skewed" is not a good word when talking about a tank.

Check the seams and joints of the tank. Look at the silicone of the tank itself, inside and out. Does it look like it is stretching or flexing. It should have an even spacing and consistent depth of joint. Is the tank sitting flat and level on the stand? Is the bracing intact? Of course, check for any signs of water at any seam.
If all the corners are even all the way around and the tank is not deformed in some way, it may be the way it was built. If you know who the manufacturer was, I would give them a call in the AM. You will sleep better.

P.S. Do you have any pictures? It may help to see what is going on.
Thank you both for your quick responses!

I just took pictures now. (and thanks but I don't think I'll sleep well anyway...i have a feeling i should trust my instincts on this one :) 60 gallons isn't something to play around with!

Here are some photos. I tried to figure out the best way to 'show' you how much of an 'indent' there is between the glass and the corner.
So I placed a piece of paper on the corner, and ran my finger nail down the overlap so that the 'fold' down the paper is how far it is coming out. That is the glass 'edge' that is. It's this way on all four sides.

Let me know your thoughts. Thanks so much!


Our tank


This shows how much of a 'fold' i can make running my finger down the part that overlaps. It's say it's about a millimeter or 2?


Maybe this is a better shot of the fold. Let me know if i explained this well. it's the small fold. You can make out the 'width' of the fold where the shadow hits. The left of the fold is the glass edge that sticks out. The right fold is how far before hitting the silicone that is on the edge.



This kind of shows the edge. It's this way on all four sides only in different directions.


This is the top of that corner.


Hopefully this gives you a clearer vision of what we are looking at.

Thanks in advance for the help!
If the silicone was set before the tank was filled, and I'm sure it was, then any movement after it was set would cause a leak. I don't think the glass is "bending" either.

If the tank is 24" tall you still have less than 1 pound per square inch pushing against the sides. I'd keep an eye on it, but rest easy also.
Nice looking tank.

Looks like the tank may have been resealed at some point. Does the seal on the other end of the panel look the same? The frame at top and bottom look like they are in good shape. That may just be how the glass was positioned when it was sealed. Most tanks are not perfectly flush at the corners. I wouldn't worry too much over it, unless you see the seam expand or shift. Check it once in awhile for your peace of mind.
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