90g South American Stocking

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Have you actually owned any of these fish to have such a view? None of those fish are very aggressive actually and could live fine together in such a decent size tank.
Water quality would also be fine if 30-40% weekly changes.
Have you actually owned any of these fish to have such a view?

Hmmm yes, probably at least a few dozen of each species plus you can add nearly another 180 species to add to that list!

Water quality would also be fine if 30-40% weekly changes.

With that amount of bioload in a 90g tank a water change schedule like is just begging for issues due to prolonged exposure to high nitrate concentration, especially issues like HLLE which those fish are prone to.

Not good advice at all...
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Have you actually owned any of these fish to have such a view? None of those fish are very aggressive actually and could live fine together in such a decent size tank.
Water quality would also be fine if 30-40% weekly changes.

Wow do you seriously not know who you are talking to?!

Also the OP has already stated that he wants SA cichlids. The only one you suggested that falls into that category is the Green Terror the rest are Central American. The OP has also already picked out stock.
Wow do you seriously not know who you are talking to.

It doesn't take a lot of experience to know that 3 aggressive fish reaching 8-12" and a fiesty 4th one hitting 6" won't work in a 4ft box, there simply isn't the foot print to allow each fish their individual territory...not to mention water quality.

To Nothing my apologies for interrupting your thread but this advice needed to be addressed.
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It's all good, I've gotten some good answers so far. Does anybody else have any input on the leopard ctenopoma? As with most fish there's conflicting viewpoints on comparability. Anybody have experience with putting them with large cichlids? The general aggression of the species I've chosen tempts me to say it would be fine, as he also has a growth head start on the rest of the fish, already being about 4". If its really not recommended to throw him in there, what other 4-6" fish would you suggest putting in there, if any at all?
The best advise i can give is follow HUKIT Mogurako and cbourg746 advise and you cant go wrong.:)
It doesn't take a lot of experience to know that 3 aggressive fish reaching 8-12" and a fiesty 4th one hitting 6" won't work in a 4ft box, there simply isn't the foot print to allow each fish their individual territory...not to mention water quality.

To Nothing my apologies for interrupting your thread but this advice needed to be addressed.

You really don't know what you are talking about. None of those fish are particularly aggressive i.e they aren't red devils and 90gallon is a big enough size for them to create territories. And as I already explained if you do weekly water changes then water quality will not be an issue :banghead:
Wow what an attitude. You really think you are the world's most knowledgeable Cichlid owner. :ermm:

And SA and CA jesus, picking me out on that how childish.

I never claimed to be but you will be hard pressed to find someone as well versed as HUKIT. You may not believe he knows what he's talking about and that's fine the rest of us do.

I was just making sure you understood what cichlids are what.
You really don't know what you are talking about. None of those fish are particularly aggressive i.e they aren't red devils and 90gallon is a big enough size for them to create territories. And as I already explained if you do weekly water changes then water quality will not be an issue :banghead:

So your expecting two fish that get over 10" ( thats inches not centimeters) and two more that get over 6" to be able to claim territories in just 4.7 square feet?! That's 12"x18" section for each one, two of those fish will almost over lap that just by turning sideway! Now you may say that the 90 gallons are 20" ish tall but the fact is fish aren't going to swim up and down they swim side to side. Even if these were peaceful fish that simply isn't not enough room not to mention the rapidly degrading water quality.
If it were me I would do a Jack dempsey, green terror, texas and a convict.

This is a horrible suggestion for a small 90 gallon tank, please stay away from such a stocking. And certainly not at 30-40% water changes a week. You would need that much daily just to keep nitrates low enough to keep from getting HITH. They would kill each other eventually as maturity set in.
This is a horrible suggestion for a small 90 gallon tank, please stay away from such a stocking. And certainly not at 30-40% water changes a week. You would need that much daily just to keep nitrates low enough to keep from getting HITH. They would kill each other eventually as maturity set in.

Just a note those fish are prone to Head and Later Line erosion ( HLLE) not HITH. HITH is a parasitic disease found in angelfish and discus. It is caused by Hexamita spp. and/or Sprionucleus vortens.
If it were me I would do a Jack dempsey, green terror, texas and a convict.

Your original(terrible in my experience)suggestion.

JD gets 8-10" GT 10" and Con Male (6-8") Female (5-6") No way that would work in a 90 gallon.

This is the stuff nightmares are made from.

Actually it wouldn't, between aggression and deteriorating water quality that's a trainwreck stocking suggestion.

So your expecting two fish that get over 10" ( thats inches not centimeters) and two more that get over 6" to be able to claim territories in just 4.7 square feet?! That's 12"x18" section for each one, two of those fish will almost over lap that just by turning sideway! Now you may say that the 90 gallons are 20" ish tall but the fact is fish aren't going to swim up and down they swim side to side. Even if these were peaceful fish that simply isn't not enough room not to mention the rapidly degrading water quality.

This is a horrible suggestion for a small 90 gallon tank, please stay away from such a stocking. And certainly not at 30-40% water changes a week. You would need that much daily just to keep nitrates low enough to keep from getting HITH. They would kill each other eventually as maturity set in.

Every other intelligent response based on experience and common sense, I think your greatly outnumbered here. So do what you will with your tanks but don't advise others asking for advice a ridiculous stocking recommendation that simply won't work based on your limited knowledge of cichlids.
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I would stick with your original list but, add a couple of Dovii, an Umbee and at least two Nandopsis haitensis. Oh yeah, don't forget the Spotted Dick.
Horrible stocking, when I say 90 gallons I am talking UK gallons. Which would make the tank 108 gallons in your 'US' gallons. If you don't think that is big enough than you are a fool.

Well if you bothered to read the thread the OP states:

So I have a 90g (48x18x24) tank and I'm looking to stock it with some South American cichlids and dither fish.

He says right there that he is talks about a 90 gallon US tank not UK. So basically all of your arguments are irrelevant and your stocking suggestions are still wrong.
You are clueless mate. When I say 90 gallons I am talking about UK gallons not US gallons. It's kinda obvious if you look at the fact that I am from England. Which means your dimensions are all wrong. Plus I think I know just as much if not more about Cichlids than you.

Don't assume things and people might actually think you are intelligent (although intelligent for an American anyway).

108 us gallon is still not big enough for your suggested stocking list
Lets stick to the Op's original question everyone! Any further off topic and/or rude commentary will result in the thread being closed.
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