A lot of little snails

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 19, 2003
McKinney, Tx
Im not sure what kind of snails I have. They are REALLY small.. like pencil erasor size and they are BREEDING LIKE MAD.

I think they are some sort of apple snail?

Can these be useful to anyone?? Will any fish eat these?? Basically, Im curious if I could sell them to puffer owners or something of that nature as food. I just don't know what to do with the little guys.... all five million of them =o)
damn snails....they drive me crazy. I had them infest(although some people like them) my tank and all I did was add a clown loach to eat them. I also scraped out the egg sacks that were attached to anything and everything in the tank.
I accidentally aquired some snails when adding some plants to a 75 gal tank, even though I thought I'd rinsed them off well. Now I've got a population explosion that I can't control. So I finally got some Zebra Loaches to take care of them.

The loaches are still in QT for another 1-2 weeks, but then they'll get to feast on some escargot!
it's sorta like the 'I don't know why she swallowed the fly...' song
i was sorta happy when a coupla snails came with some live plants
aren't snails good for the tank?
the little ones i have are probably the same ones described above
when they started reproducing like crazy, they started to seem a little disgusting
funny to me: while i was still in the first blush of appreciating the snails, i was at work sweeping up something by a planter box and found i'd swept a slug and killed it - that i'd absent-mindedly killed something evolutionally equal to the beings i watched with avid interest at home
the lesson? context is everything
the snails seem to have reached a critical mass in my 20 gallon tank...there are a lot of them, but they aren't taking taking over the tank progressively
one time, long ago, i was caring (inexpertly) for a friend's tank in which there was a snail or two that was kinda large and, i think, purchased intentionally
something - i think a catfish - got some sort of disease that required some particular medicine; after the medicine was added, the snails died
only THEN did i read the fine print on the med directions and see that while it was safe for all fish, it must not be added to a tank with animals such as snails

point being, maybe one can find that chemical if one wants to rid their tank of snails

have a good day, everyone!
Prolly pond or "nuisance" snails... I got clown loaches and they Eradicated them with a capital E
ill take as many as ull give me. i want a colony so i can feed it to my puffers. im waiting for them to colonise in my tank so ill have a never ending supply :)
I know this is odd, but I don't want to put a chemical in to kill them or anything.. if they die.. id rather them die throo the "circle of life" or "the food chain"
That way their death benefits another animals life.. or something. Odd, I know.
true. i dont care if they overpopulate my tank because i know theyll be a good way to get rid of them
Puffers and Loaches will absolutely eliminate any snails you have. Those are by far your best bets for solving the snail problem. Remember though that the fish will last a lot longer than the snails so only get a fish to solve the problem if it's something you're interested in keeping.
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