A new begining to our 10

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 6, 2006
As some of you know this year has been rough on me from the medical issues and the car accident that I had . I had to sorrowfully shut down one of my 10 gallon tanks and have sold off equipment . This will be just the 2 tanks that will need stuff done rather than the 3 + that I had going . It was just time to simplify , and simplify my life from the rigors and demands .
I took down my 10 gallon display in the bed room and replaced it with the newly done 2.5 gallon tank that was up and home to a pistol shrimp pair . I cleaned it up and redid it to stablize it a bit better than it had been , I cleaned up all equipment and started there . I tore down the bed room 10 and redid the one in the Living room . I combined all the corals from both 10 gallons and then what was left did a small 2.5 reef (pics to come ) and sold off the ones that just would not fit in either one of the tanks now running .
I rescaped the 10 in the living room and then took the fish from the 10 in the bed room and moved them down to the display in the living room . Here is the 10 rescaped and reborne with all the corals together in one place . As you will see I did have some coraline bleach out but I am confident that it will come back. There have been some minor tweekings done to the scape ... I will probably start to frag off some stuff here and sell it off








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