A Ranting Post About My Uncle's Pond

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 9, 2011
New York
My uncle has perhaps the worst kept pond on this planet, and I really just need to do some venting.

My uncle has a very tiny pond, probably only 180 gallons or so. There's a waterfall and he has 13 goldfish and 4 baby goldfish. But with such a big stock, he perhaps takes ZERO care of his pond!

First off, my uncle NEVER does water changes. Not even a spring cleaning water change. The water is literally black. Whenever I tell him he should change the water, he says he doesn't want to because he doesn't want to bother the fish. When I try to tell him they'll eventually die from too many nitrates and dirty water, he shrugs me off.

Secondly, he has no plants to help keep the water healthy. The only two plants he has are two large grass bog plants. There are no oxygenators or floating plants to hide the fish from predators.

Thirdly, my uncle doesn't have a filter or a skimmer. This is the worst part. If you've got a huge bioload, never do water changes, and no plants the worst thing you can do is not bother to install a filter. He doesn't have a skimmer either! Just a pipe running the water up to the top of the waterfall. That's it.

And I think the worst part is that NONE OF HIS FISH ARE PERISHING. In fact, they're all happy as clams! Whenever I warn him of the consequences of his poor treatment to them, he says they're fine because no one's died and everyone is healthy. My pet peeve is when the fish never teach their owners valuable lessons by dying. This may sound cruel, but my past fish's deaths have been my greatest teachers. When other people get off the hook without treating them right it makes me furious. He needs to learn! And those fish are swimming around and splashing and having a jolly time. That pond is filthy. You can't see one inch below the surface. Why are they so joyful?

I'm thinking of asking him if I can take over his pond maintenance so those fish can have a chance of living past two years. What do you all say? Do you think I should take over this pond?
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I think you should let your uncle decide what he wants to do with his pond. There are worse injustices in life to worry about...
Sadly many people's ideas of ponds (and aquariums, for that matter) is add water, add fish, done. And I doubt the fish are really that happy, high nitrates cause blindness and the inability to reproduce. Eventually they will really take their toll with dead fish.
True! They look happy, always swimming around. I don't think they're blind because they can recognize my uncle, but I'm sure eventually the price will be paid. That water hasn't been cleaned in two years.
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