Advice on Possible Freshwater Eel?

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"Peacock eels" are actually a type of bichir. The Senegal Bichir (Polypterus senegalus). A lot of people recommend no less than a 70g for this bichir and as far as I'm aware, this is the smallest type of bichir/"eel". It might work out until 8"-10" but after then he'll most likely need rehoming.
"Peacock eels" are actually a type of bichir. The Senegal Bichir (Polypterus senegalus). A lot of people recommend no less than a 70g for this bichir and as far as I'm aware, this is the smallest type of bichir/"eel". It might work out until 8"-10" but after then he'll most likely need rehoming.

Not true. Regular bichirs senegalus need at least a 40 gal as they only get to 8 inches!!!!
Sorry, but this is terrible advice. They reach a foot often. There's a reason people recommend oscars for 70g instead of 55g; it's just too small.

Ask bichir bro on here. He states that for a senegalus they need at least a 40 gallon I've kept mine in there for years and he eats like a pig and no health problems! I think ur getting them confused with other bichirs like an ornate? If a senegalus needs at least a 70 then an ornate would me at least a 150+ and that's not true
Ask bichir bro on here. He states that for a senegalus they need at least a 40 gallon I've kept mine in there for years and he eats like a pig and no health problems! I think ur getting them confused with other bichirs like an ornate? If a senegalus needs at least a 70 then an ornate would me at least a 150+ and that's not true

You can keep your bichir in a tiny tank if you like but I wouldn't.
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