African cichlids breeding question

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 20, 2013
Good ol country town outskirts of Auburn IN
My arautus cichlids have bred. It wasn't intentional on my part but I'm sure excited about it. It's my first time, so I've been researching but still have some questions. Here's where I'm at. I separated the female with the mouthful of babies. I put her in a 10 gallon tank alone as suggested by users on this site. I'm guessing she's been carrying for about 2 weeks, so she's getting close to spitting them out right? Here's where I get foggy. (and actually I've been clueless every step of the way, I just learn as I go.) I dont want to strip her. I want this to go as natural as possible. After she spits them out, how long can I leave her with them before I'd best separate her from them? It's been suggested to separate them immediately. What are your suggestions for the best survival rate of the fry?

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