african cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 20, 2003
for all those keepers of african cichlids, I was wondering what all africans cichlids you keep in your tanks ???
I have 1 aulonocara(flavescent peacock), 2 labidochromis(electric yellows), 1 johanni(very aggressive), 1 frontosa, 2 brichardi, and an electric blue. I mixed lakes, but they all seem to be doing fine. I will probably move both brichardi into another tank. They get picked on the most and I want to breed them anyway. The frontosa is my favorite. :)
sounds like a nice assor...of fish. right now all I have in my tank is

2 eletric yellows.
1 red peacock.
1 hiplacoriumus ovatus... this is the name the lsf told me, althou...many have told me that this speices is called something slips my mind at the moment. Suposed to me a cool lookin fish thou.
1 f kenyi
1 common pleco

I'm still workin on this african tank, want to add lots more fish, just don't know exactly what I was many to choise from... :roll:
I have some pixz of my tank, but there really fuzzy... still tryin to master the art of digital. my africans are just to fast to get clear pictures of.
Thought about getting some, but was addvised not to by some, because of my other speicies...lookin at getting some Ice Blue Labs though...
Ok, so they are like Oscars? I am really trying to learn more about cichlids because I know close to nothing.
Yupp they sure are like Oscars... I know quite a few that keep these 2 fish together... I personally haven't tried it.
Ok, I am slowly figuring out the differences. I was actually thinking of doing an AC tank, but figured I could get a small reef at about the same cost.
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