African clawed frog?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Nov 29, 2011
Am i correct that these are african clawed frogs?


  • image-2358786757.jpg
    226.6 KB · Views: 169
May I ask what is that pink thing in the background? Sorry for the stupid question lol but I figure I didn't know what it was so I'd just ask.
Pink thing in background.. I know there is a reflection off the glass but im lost as to what ur talking about
It's behind the frogs it may be orange sorry nearly color blind here
We used to have one. Bought him when he was a dime size, but he passed away about a mans fist size. Loved him, enjoy

I will say one thing they sure get stinky in no time. LOL
I dont have any problem with smell.. I di have very good filtration and use carbon at time.. It helps with the "pond" smell i get sometimes... But nothing other than that.. These both are hand fed since they were very small
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