African Dwarf Frog permit

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 2, 2004
I am from New Jersey and I was going to buy some African Dwarf Frogs today. I saw them on a trip to the pet store. When I asked to get them, I was told I needed a permit that I would have to renew annually. I am not really thrilled about purchasing a permit to own a few 3 dollar frogs, is there anyway to get a few without a permit, such as ordering them online, or do i have to buy them in another state such as PA or NY. The problem about going out of state is that any store i may go to isn't guaranteed to have them in stock. Thanks
I have never heard of having to get a permit to own aquatic frogs. That is crazy!! Are you sure they are African Dwarf Frogs and not African Clawed frogs? The clawed frogs can get pretty large and eat fish.
It sounds a lot like the Clawed frogs or albino dwarf frogs as they are somtimes improperlly labeled.

Check other storest and see what happens...check your law too...You could get into some potentional trouble if you ever somehow got caught with these and they truly require a permit...wich I HIGHLY doubt but I guess it is possible :?
I do remember seeing in another pet store next to where it said African Dwarf Frog it had (Permit). They were out so I did not inquire into it. The frogs they had were definitely not clawed frogs. The guy said I had to renew the permit annually, but I'm not sure if its per frog or not. Besides, if a frog dies, what am I supposed to do to prove to them its dead when they want me to renew it. I'll take my chances owning one "illegally", New Jersey is a messed up state when it comes to owning animals. Does anyone know of any pet stores that normally have ADF close to the NJ border in NY?[/i]
A permit is usually required when an animal potentially has an impact on the community, as it covers the cost of managing whatever damage or problems the animal can cause if it is realeased. They must have had a problem with overproliferation or something but these frogs require warm water and they are not the hardiest of frogs, so it is confusing that NJ would require it.

I'd take a road trip for them and be responsible in their care, as in not releasing them if you change your mind about keeping them later, and not flushing them- and it goes without saying that this is how we keep our aquatic pets here at AA :D
That sounds like a crazy law! I had two dwarf frogs and I have never even heard of having a permit for them. They are so little and it isn't like they can hop about outside. I would say get them illegally if you can.
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