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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 24, 2006
We just got some anacharis for our tank. They said to let if float at the top of the tank because if you put it into the substrate it will die. Is that true? It looks kind of weird just floating at the top and it's all hanging around the filter because of the current. The fish seem afraid of it floating at the top. Can I put the roots in the gravel, or will it kill it?
Yes, you can plant it in the gravel. It will not die, as a matter of fact if you have anykind of light at all, you can not stop the stuff from growing.
haha who told you, that you cant put it in gravel? i know mine doesnt root well in my gravel, but it may just be the grain size. and it floats to the top a lot
If you plant it vertically in the substrate, the leaves under the substrate will die. The stem will not die, but it will not root either. Anachris does not root out the bottom, it roots from the sides of the stalk and the roots typically suspend themselves in the middle of the tank (lateral shoots). This is why they are good for planting, or floating. It can be planted in low light, in groups or as single stalks and is hard to kill. High light will make it grow too fast for most aquariums, and Flourish Excel will kill it.
Like mentioned above, Anacharis will grow in the substrate. Thats the only way I grow it because I don't like it overshadowing my other plants. I will add that moderate Excel use will not kill it. I use Excel once or twice a week in my 10g and the Anacharis has not shown any signs of being affected by it. I wouldn't use it every day though. :)
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