Aquarium Advice Addict
Ok guys/girls here is wat is on my mind lol it happens alot dont be afraid lol ok anyways i have try a long tentacle anenome a sebae anenome both lived about 2 weeks then died sebae living longer i waited for my tank to mature a little more i have hadit since august i had the anenomes about 3 months after tank star now i have a condy have had it for about a month or two its been healthy as can be i found a few of its purple tenticles floating in the tank little small pieces of it but it still looks healthy it shrivels up every now an then but next day its open it used to crawl around my rocks but now it sits still and opens up when lights come on and starts to close a little right before lights start going off so i beleive it is healthy my point with this is i want to try a new anenome a better one, one my false perculas could possibly host with wat would be the easiest one i could get the next step up from a condy which i have heard is the easiest one to keep.