Angel Fish......just wandering

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 22, 2004
England, Lincolnshire

Hi there,

I was just wandering.........

Can Angelfish be kept as the only one in a tank or do they prefer other Angels?

Also would 1 be ok in a 29gal tank with 4 cherry barbs, 4 zebra danios, 3 Pakistani (yoyo) loaches, and a pit bull plec?

I have read that wild caught angels prefer acidic soft water, however captive bred (wich is the majority kept in pet shops) can tolerate a much wider range of water chemistry. My water is slightly hard and has a ph of 7.2. Would this be ok?

Angels can be kept singly just fine.
All your tankmates sound decent, except I am unsure about that type of plec, so sombody else can help with that for ya....

Domestic angelfish really are very adapatble regarding ph and hardness. Mine are kept in a ph of 8.2, and are thriving, so if you get one it should do great at a ph of 7.2.
Angels are really not affected by pH and hardness. A pH of 7.2 is even fine for discus. Angels show more natural behavior when kept in pairs or larger groups but a single angel will be fine.
I agree - I have kept angels singly and they do fine. Sometimes it is more troublesome to keep more than one due to pairing disputes and spawning aggression. I tend to have more hard, alkaline water and agree that they are extremely adaptable, so don't worry about that.

A pitbull, rubberlip or bristlenose plec will do great in a smaller tank like that. I think your setup sounds great. :D
Just another voice saying angels do fine solo. In some ways better. I don't recall any agression with the angels that I kept solo. It was only after I got the 55g with multiple angels that I saw the aggression.
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