Angel fish

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They stay together. They may lip lock and test each other. If other angels are in the tank they, especially the male, will drive others away from his female. Eventually they will spawn.
All of the above are true. I'd also get them a flat spawning surface like a rock, slate or PVC cut lengthwise and place it in a corner of the tank. The pair will start cleaning it like they are obsessed. At that point most if not all of the tankmates need to leave or the angels need a new tank. If not they may go on a murder spree.
I've kept breeding pairs in community tanks for over 30 years and while they run other fish away from their spawn site they don't go around killing everyone in the tank. Right now I have 6 spawning pairs in a 220g community tank for over 2 years now without issue. But when kept in community tanks don't expect to get any fry that live very long due to predation.
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