Angel / Tetra compatibility

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 17, 2005
Rochester Hills MI
Does anyone out here know/have experience with keeping Jumbo neon tetra's with angels?
I originally was going to have a school of Cardinal Tetra's in my 70 gallon along with 2-4 angels. After researching and talking to a few LFS people, I'm shying away from the Cardinals as they appear to be a bit of a challenge to keep. The LFS folks say plan on losing half of what you buy and we don't guarantee Cardinals due to they're quirky nature.
I know that 'regular' neon's would be considered snack food for the angels, but what about these 'jumbo' neons...such as what I see on the Dr Foster website? They appear to get to 2 inches....about the size of a Cardinal and about 1/2 inch larger than a regular neon.
I've seen it done before. But they were only average sized Angels, and quite large neons. Try a couple neons and see what happens before you buy an entire school of 'em. Neons can be just a touchy as cardinals too. Depends on their condition when you get 'em.
I think BrianNY has them in a tank with angels, but I think his are "black" neons. I don't think there will be any problem with them as long as they are tetras that get to be at least 1.5 - 2" long.
I have kept neons and cardinals and by far I have had the most success with cardinals. Just keep the water changes regular and they look beautiful. I have had too many neons die for reasons unknown.
In my friends tank he put in loads of tetras with one quite large angel, he woke up the next morning to see the angel eating the last of his tetras, so maybe any tetras might be a bad idea, i'm not too sure about other tetras though.
I had some "jumbo" neon tetras in a tank and added some medium sized Angelfish thinking that the tetras were too large to be eaten. I discovered almost immediately that I was sadly mistaken. I ended taking the last two surviving neon tetras back to the LFS and getting some larger Columbian Red and Blue Tetras instead. In my opinion Angelfish look at neon tetras the way some humans look at light beer - tastes great and less filling.
Cardinals do get a little bigger than neons so you might have more luck with them, but you're right, they are very touchy IME. I think the black neons also get a little larger than neons so maybe that would work for you. If you don't want to try those, just choose a species that will grow larger than neons and you should be ok- emperors are a great suggestion.
I've been successful with black skirts and red tetras with 4 angels for several months. Of course, they were all juvies and were acclimated a month apart (tetra first, followed by the angels. No signs of aggression and will swim together with no problems.

Gheitman said:
In my opinion Angelfish look at neon tetras the way some humans look at light beer - tastes great and less filling.

I agree with Mattrox - very funny and sooo true. Kudos to you Gene! :D
i dont think it would be good considering that most angel fish i know of are at least semi agressive and would probally fight and eat the tetras or any other fish that they could take on!!!
I kept angels with cardinals, black phantom tetras and white clouds with no issues, but these fish were all raised together.

However, I did have one adult male angel that lived with Endler's livebearers, and I wish I had gotten a picture of it but at feeding time the angel would be up there at the surface with an Endler's fry (4-5mm) and they would both eat side by side. I have no clue why the Endler's did not get eaten. I don't have the angel anymore but the Endler's are taking over my 55 in the presence of many predators, so perhaps they are blessed in some way. They were put in the tank as feeders, and now...... 8O
8O Weird... I wouldn't even expect fry to make it in my dwarf cichlid tanks, much less with an angel!
I thought maybe I had a dimwit angel, but I think it is the Endler's that are charmed because now tiny fry live happily with 3" boesmani rainbows and very barb-like serpae tetras, and I don't know how they manage. The Force is definitely with them. :wink:
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