Another Fish question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 24, 2008
Gainesville, FL

Yes.. another thread asking questions about fish stocking... but since this is an aquarium forum it is the best place!

Right now I have 14 tiger barbs. Normally they are good. And have been in the past, but last night they almost killed another fish before I got him out of the tank.

So, now I'm thinking of getting rid of the barbs in order to stock with more docile fish so I can get more of a variety.

The question is if there are any fish that are better/worse for a heavily planted tank. The only remaining fish after the barbs are gone with be the cory cats, 2 bolivian rams and a rhino pleco (I also have some loach type fish but they are really aggressive too so will probably try to take them back as well).

When I say heavily planted, this thing is a jungle. I really like having the plants in there, so want fish that are more suited to that. I'm thinking of Gold rams and possibly some dwarf gurami. I really like the colorful fish like ciclids, but obviously can't have those in a low-aggression tank.

Here is my current jungle: (click for bigness!)

First of all....GORGEOUS TANK! Really....nice job. :)
I personally love a large school of cardinal tetra in a planted tank...Rams are awesome, cory's are also great. I dont know how big that tank is, but if it were me I would stock it with angels or discus. :) Angels are more tolerant of less frequent water changes, but can be somewhat aggressive with each other. Discus can be as well but for color they can not be beat. Check out my profile page for some pics of a planted discus tank. :)

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