Another question

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a dence grass groundcover and most red plants need intense light to grow.. with intense lighting comes the need for CO2..
You could get something close with low light ground cover plant (foregrownd plants).. and some low light needs backdrop plants in the far left back corner and have a similar effect.. you can do up to medium light needs plants without resorting to CO2.. up to 2wpg.. so look for anything from low to medium light in the aquascape placement area..
forground plants for the right front area.. and all the way across the very front of the tank.. (example.. dwarf sag)
middle for the far left and center (example... a sword or anubis)
and backdrop plants for the just right of left and back.. (example... Ambulia)

I would go so far as to say you would have luck with medium high light plants with 2wpg of light.. so that should keep you options pretty open..

It should give a simmilar effect.. :D

Good Luck.. (y)
that was confusing..

low light plants no problem without CO2.. 1-1.5wpg recomended
medium light plants.. No CO2 isnt a problem but might help. 1.5-2.0wpg recommended
Medium High light plants.. CO2 is definatley advantagious but not absolutely nessisary.. min. 2wpg recomended..
See this is something I want....
that looks so cool. So basicaly what I need to o is increase the watts of my bulb and it will help my plants grow?....I got my 15W long bulb thingy from Home Depo and its seppose to be like the sun or w.e well thats what it said on the box that its light is for plants. Should I upgrade to a 20w bulb seeing how I got a 10 gallon?....Then another thing is the more light I have it quicker raises the temp of the water. SOmetimes the water goes past the top yellow on my theramother and all the fish chill at the bottom trying to escape the heat....well, any other information I could use so keep it coming.
You would do well to read the sticky's at the beginning of this forum. These sticky's were designed to give a beginner an overall idea of all the equipment needed and what to look out for from the beginning.

BTW, both tanks you've shown are CO2 injected.
I have a 10 gal. No CO2, and my plants are all doing well. See pictures in gallary. I have, dwarf sag, java moss, sunset hygro, microsword, red ozelot sword, some val, and some moneywart. My lighting is 1.5/gal 10 gal tank with 1.5 NO flourecent

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