Another stocking post

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 1, 2011
Hodgenville Ky
I am building a 24"L x 24"W x 12"H tank and I am wanting to stock it with corydoras. I was thinking 12 is this too many?
I would only do six or eight in that tank, depending on what cories you had in mind.

Not sure about the tank dimensions but...sounds like a 20H? IDK.
That's going to be around 40 gallons? you could do 12 corys, but that's pretty much it. Maybe a school of small tetras or something.
Really? Well then ya your right I figured it would have been more but I have never been good at math soooo
I only wanna do corys because of the height of the tank being so short. I thought with the large footprint I could do more. I will start with 6 and see.
bruinsbro1997 said:
I would only do six or eight in that tank, depending on what cories you had in mind.

Not sure about the tank dimensions but...sounds like a 20H? IDK.

I was thinking pandas.
Ah okay, IMO start out with six, and see how they do. If they're doing fine, you could possibly add eight. You could add more fish to the tank as well. :)
I think its a good idea to start with less and build up depending on how the tank looks. :) Do you want all pandas? I think 12 could be an ultimate goal, but you will have to see how well they are fair. Also, like siva said, it also depends on how much decor you have. It should look pretty nice though. :)
You could also try some shrimp in there maybe. The pandas will likely mostly leave them alone IMO.
I think something like marble hatchets would do well in there also, if you're interested in adding another group of fish.
For the decor I was thinking a rock pile near the filter and a few swords planted along the back and in the middle.
That footprint would be AWESOME for small cories. If you want to keep only pandas, I would suggest 15-20. If you want to mix pandas with a smaller species, I agree with what jeta suggested. :)
My choices for corys are pretty open. Because what ever I get I am gonna have to order them online none of the lfs around ever have more 2 or 3 in stock.
Well, that definitely opens up your options, so thats good. :) If it was me, I would get a group of the pygmies because they sort of hover and a group of pandas because they stay on the bottom. I think It would be a nice contrast.
You said you were thinking about a bottom feeder tank, so I am just going to throw this out there. Asian stone catfish are awesome, tiny little bottom feeders. If you just to stick with corys though, thats cool too. :)
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