anubias question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 30, 2013
So my anubias' leaves got heavily damaged when I forgot about it and I accidentally left it it for too long. I put it back in, but the damaged leaves have mostly died. They still have green along the center of the leaf, but the rest is gone. It has sprouted one new leaf. That brings me to my question which is: would it be a better idea to trim the damaged leaves to force the plant to sprout more, or leave it be?
Here's a pic


The new leaf is the one in the middle and the three around it are the damaged ones.
Personally I'd trim off the damaged leaves and let the plant concentrate on growing new ones.
I've trimmed all the leaves off the rhizome before and they grow new ones. So long as you have a healthy rhizome leaves will grow.
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