Any bamboo shrimp owners out there?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 28, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
I was picking up some frozen foods at Petco today and I noticed that they had a tank of bamboo shrimp, which I've never seen before. These suckers were pretty big, almost 2.5 inches. I was considering going back tomorrow to pick up a few. Anyone have any experience with these guys?
Yes, I have a pair in a 20 gallon planted tank. They are great, very active, lot's of fun to watch. They are harmless, but you must keep them with very mild fish. I put some cory eggs in the tank with them, I now have 9 Matea Corys, 3 months old in the tank, plus three Endlers. They like warm water, 76+ degrees. Mine are a 78. Mine just spawned, the female is holding the eggs, can't wait for them to hatch. They also need very fine food with a good assortment. They are filter feeders so I crush up the flakes plus feed powder foods and frozen cyclope-ezz. They also clean your gravel better than any other fish I've seen. They are very sensitive to ammonia, nitrites and any chemicals.

Hope this info helps. Here is a good link to more info:

Good luck if you get them, Michael
I second Michael's advice. Bamboo shrimp are great inverts and are totally harmless and easy to care for.

Michael- Can you explain how/what to do to have the shrimp breed? I have 3 vampire shrimp and I'm wondering if they will breed and what I need to do.
I really don't know, I bought a pair 10 months ago with the hopes of breeding and it took this long for it to happen. The tank they are in is heavily planted with only a sponge on a powerhead for a filter. I started feeding frozen Daphnia regularly, maybe that helped, but I'm sorry, I don't have any specific trigger that caused the spawn.
Ah your lucky I guess if you just got a pair and they happened to be one male, one female. My tank is also heavily planted. Maybe I should just wait a little longer?
Lance M. said:
I second Michael's advice. Bamboo shrimp are great inverts and are totally harmless and easy to care for.

Michael- Can you explain how/what to do to have the shrimp breed? I have 3 vampire shrimp and I'm wondering if they will breed and what I need to do.

By some accounts, collectors preferentially gather the larger and more impressive males; females are a rare find.

In any case, I would provide a wide range of high-quality food and conduct water changes with slightly greater frequency. The planktonic young will require water of at least brackish salinity to develop.
I'd have one if the local shop didn't want $8 each...
i can get them for around 6$, but ive lost alot of them to them climbing out of the tank
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