Apistogramma borelli - Need more info

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 11, 2004
Southern California
Can anyone tell me more about this species? Will they get a long with discus and angels?

And specific info like, fish temperment, water requirements and breeding habits would be much appreciated. Thanks!!
I had some assorted Apistos, but they slowly died off. Water parameters must be perfect (mine didn't do well after the move when things were in chaos). They are shy fish and the ones in my tank were with kribs and that didn't help. Water requirements and breeding habits are pretty much the same as rams.
Here are a few sites I liked when researching Apistos:
Just dropping a thought here. I've been considering apisto's for a while. I figured if I could keep my Rams healthy and thriving, I would give these beauts a shot.

I was considering either borelli's, cockatoo's or nijsenni. They are so similar to Rams (as Menagerie says) but have some very distinct colors and look more active.
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