Swap: aquaclear 110 and aquaclear 70

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 12, 2011
cape cod
upgraded to canisters so i dont need these anymore. will trade for plants, angel fish, cory cats, neon/cardinal tetras, shrimp, plecos, or?

they are less than a year old and work great
How much for the 110?
Also I'll give you a stem of cardinal plant plus a stem of foxtail for the 110 plus money but how much money?
oh wow that is cheap. my LFS is expensive. feel free to make me an offer. i would rather make a trade though
emerald76 said:
I have fancy guppies....

Oops I meant I have some reservations for fancy guppies available
Google bluegrass guppy
You can reserve them in my thread
capecodaquarium said:
still have filters if anyone is interested

I have a few angels, several strains of guppies, and might have a few very young discus. Just think the discus need another month before they are ready.
My camera is not the best but sure. The angels are koi, the discus are red turqoise and i might have some albino golden pigeon bloods.
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