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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 29, 2022
Manitoba Canada
Hello. I am fresh "fish nerd" that has just come to realize I am indeed a fish nerd. I took over a 45 gallon tank in January of this elderly parents no longer wanted it. The more I read about aquariums, the more I am realizing that my parents have been keeping fish poorly for my entire life.

I have just the one tank right now:
Filter: Aquaclear 70
Substrate: Seachem Fluorite
Fish: 10 rummynose tetra
8 neon tetra
1 bristlenose pleco
Invertebrates: 5 Amano Shrimp
2 Assassin snails (I used to have 5 but they are dying...)

Plants: Giant Hydrophila, Vallisneria Gigantea, Leptodictyum riparium, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, bacopa monieri, rotala indica?, ludwiga natan?

These last 2 were when i neglected to pay attention to what I bought at the LFS and now I'm really not sure what it is LOL.
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