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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 24, 2011
Hey everyone,
I was doing the usual "YouTube Journey" and came across this new thing called aquaponics. If ya'll haven't heard of it, in a nutshell you have a pond/tank/whatever, put some fish in there and they crap.

The water is pumped to some grow beds where there is a medium like small rocks or the balled clay and the plants feed off of the ammonium/nitrite/nitrate cycle and return the water filtered of toxins kind of like a big filter like everyone has on their normal tanks.

People are using this to grow out talapia for food but it seems like it could also be a cool was to set up an outdoor pond using the growbed to have plants other than the underwater variety. *gasp* blasphemy I know but part of having a planted aquarium for me is creating a balance and watching nature work it's magic. This looks like interesting way of accomplishing that... well other than the pump and not using dirt in the growbed.

I'm thinking of making a container pond with goldfish some water lettuce and a few water lilies. Then building the grow bed offset and having the return acting as a waterfall into the pond. If I build it clean enough maybe some ivy would look good and a few jalapeno plants. I don't think I will go crazy and create a tomato garden. Just something that functions and is a little different than the normal everyday pond.

Anyway, I thought this could make for good discussion here. If anyone has any thoughts I would like to hear them.

Here's a few video's explaining what this aquaponics stuff is about.

straight to the point animated -

Here's on that goes in depth

Ya I came a cross this too and I made a mini aquaponics system for a 10g tank. I'll post a link to a video I did on mine later when I'm on my computer. My plan is to have aquaponics on all my tanks.

heres my mini aquaponics system. I have added to this now. I put a filter on the pump so there wouldnt be bits of things flooding in my breeder box. And I also put in some java moss and some other plants.
Hey artist what would you recommend for a 10 gal version of these? It is a snail tank so the water level is 75% I also grow out fry in the tank. I have a whisper power 40 filter part but I think that would be too much.
The set up I have going is on a 10g tank with a 3.5inch goldfish. (I call him fighter because he attacks anything I put in the tank with him.)

I was gone for 7days for a trip and I put in a 10day feeder block and when I got back he was fine I tested the water Amm-0 Nit-0 Nat-20

The basil is starting to grow more and more. I also put some java moss in my breeder tub thing with a new born fry and he is growing great he is 10days old now .
Artist said:
The set up I have going is on a 10g tank with a 3.5inch goldfish. (I call him fighter because he attacks anything I put in the tank with him.)

I was gone for 7days for a trip and I put in a 10day feeder block and when I got back he was fine I tested the water Amm-0 Nit-0 Nat-20

The basil is starting to grow more and more. I also put some java moss in my breeder tub thing with a new born fry and he is growing great he is 10days old now .

Lol nice name
Im confused on the filter thing. How do you get the water up into the 1 gal tub in the first place?
I had a water pump that I put into a water bottle with filter media all around it. The bottle has holes along the sides. So the pump sucks water in though the media (nylon pads) And then pumps in up a hose to the 1g tub
So here is some pics I also put some pics of my hanging ice trays. If You want to know how to make those just ask.

So start off with my pump is in the bottle with nylon pads all around.

I put some netting over the out holes of the tub So fry can't get out. This is held with magnets.

I made a lil pipe that the water walls down to and runs along the box so everything gets water. I had to put a lid or shade over it because I was growing algae in it.


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Cool pics, I'm still a little confused on the very first part with the pump lol...

Just a regular day being thick headed
You can use any water pump you want. I just wanted to make it fry safe and to stop poop from going up and getting in my 1g tub so I put a cover ( the nylon dish pad) All the nylon pad does is it is a prefilter. My pump isnt a powerhead. its just a fountain pump I had.
It's all good I've been there too. If You do make something like this post some pics.
Show him my video and my pics also play it up saying dad we wont have to buy herbs for dinner. Also say that you wont have to change the water as much. Like I said its going on 2 weeks and Amm is 0 Nit-0 and Nat is around 20ppm. And kicker is its a goldfish one of the messiest fish out there. You could grow other plants like veggies. You can grow everything you need for a salad. If you go to youtube and type in fish tank aquaponics, you will find 1000s of videos. You can also go to google and look at some DIYs and pic the one you like the best. Then go to the dollar store and get some stuff you think you could use.
Hehe that's the best part. I already have everything, including seeds, and he just wot let me snake him an example.... Well I guess I understand my 10 g is only running because I used it as an example hehe
Just make it one day when he is off at work. Then when he comes home its alreadm there
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