Aquarium lighting

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 19, 2013
I was thinking about putting together a small (10-30 gallon) planted aquarium. Instead of buying an expensive hood, I was wondering if I could leave the tank open with a desk lamp over top. Would the plants still grow?
I was thinking about putting together a small (10-30 gallon) planted aquarium. Instead of buying an expensive hood, I was wondering if I could leave the tank open with a desk lamp over top. Would the plants still grow?

Yes they will depends on the bulb. The best way to go would be led screw in bulbs. Just make sure it's between 6k-10k color temperature whatever looks better to you.
It will grow at least low light plants. The only problem is that its incredibly difficult to find screw in bulbs with a light rating much higher than 5000k which is very yellow for a planted aquarium. I would honestly just spend a few extra $$ and get a proper light fixture running t5s. They aren't terribly expensive and have a much larger spectrum of available colors.
I'd like to get the hood with the fancy lights. It looks really good, but it's awfully expensive.. At least 50$ for the hood plus the expensive lights. I'm on a tight budget :(
Well than don't do a planted aquarium. Or you don't have to have a hood I will not have one when my super cool t5HO light fixture comes in. :)
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