Aquascape suggestions!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 6, 2013
Posted Today, 10:17 AM
Hey gotta few questions first one is what are some good tall plants i could plant in the back of this tank and should i keep that rock in there cause i would like to attach some plants onto it or should get some driftwood. Also I have some dwarf hairgrass in my tank but how long with that take to grow a full carpet. I have co2 running and liquid fertilizer. Anybody have any suggestion of what looks good and what i shoulddo with this tank. Recently i changed my tank to sand over from gravel cause the hairgrass was coning out so easily. Oh plus i know I know I got a aquaclear 30 for christmas dont ask how I know ha

I have low light LED I would like some brighter light but on a budget since they can be pricey
You probably won't have much luck with the hairgrass under low light. But a plant that gets tall and is generally easy to find is anazon swords. They just need root tab fertilizers put under their roots in the gravel. Also cabomba and anacharis are fast growers and get tall.
Driftwood would look nice, if you got some you could attach some java ferns, anubias, or java moss to it.
Yes I actually just picked up some driftwood it's boiling as we speak ha but java fern would be nice. Do you know if the hairgrass will grow at all in there. But java fern would be awesome too! I actually got some plants from my cousin that are in my tank now that he said was java fern but I don't think it is. Can you see from the photo posted what it is?
I doubt it will grow at all, but it definitely won't carpet. It needs very high light and ferts. I don't know which plant you are referring to in your picture, but none of them look like java fern to me.
They look like this:
Oh wow that's a bummer looks like I will need to invest in some better lighting but here a better picture of the plant I'm talking about

For the back of the tank, I'd suggest vals or sags. Maybe hygro.
That can be attached to driftwood. I've done it before. Also, start by removing the air bubbler. It will drastically reduce your co2 levels. You don't need it.
Wow I didn't kbow that it will lower the co2 levels should I still run in at night tho?
Hmmmm I'm gonna try that I have a whisper ex20 but I will have be getting a aquarclear30 .but does anyone know what this plant is?

Hmmmm I'm gonna try that I have a whisper ex20 but I will have be getting a aquarclear30 .but does anyone know what this plant is?

I believe I've seen that labeled as "El Niño Fern". I'm guessing some type of Java Fern because it have a rhizome and very similar leaf textures, but I'm not sure on this on. It grew well for me in low light.
Yes it has been growing pretty well for me also growing offshoots like nobody's business but I was also reading about this plant and it says you should attach it to a piece of driftwood or rock. You think it will do fine in my sand with co2 and liquid fertilizers?
You need to raise the plant up from the substrate just enough that the rhizome sits on top of it with just the roots down in the substrate. That's the advice all the plant gurus in here gave me. It will grow better and the rhizome won't eventually rot. OS.
Ok cool I will pull them up slightly cause the stems are pushed down a little down hope fully my fish don't pull out the baby ferns.

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