are dwarf corydoras tight schoolers?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 4, 2004
Roscoe, IL
okay i have around 3-4 corydoras pygmaeus. i was wondering if they'd school more if i got more or if they'd just stay the same
hmm because at the store there was like 10 and they werent really schooling so i was wondering
I have like 8 corys in my 75. They hang out with each other, but they don't school. However, I do have a mixture of albino, bronze, schwartz and julii
Same here Malkore. I have 6 in my 75 and they may occasionally sit on the gravel next to each other but that's it. It could be b/c they are not all the same species, I'm not sure. I thought that they'd school more.
A while back I kept 10 pygmy cories in one of my tanks, and I would have to agree that they hang out together but don't really school.
My 3 cories seem to stay and swim with each other a lot. Maybe it's because they're in only a 10 gal right now, I don't know though.
Cories don't tend to school with different species although they will definetely shoal. Schooling is best seen with 6+ cories of the same species. I have also that if fish are in an environment with a recognized predator (Even if they aren't the predators prey) or aggressive fish, they will be more prone to school.
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