Are my snails mating?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 22, 2007
San Diego, CA
Hi guys! I've only had my tank about 2-3 weeks and I have some ramshorn snails that came in on some plants. This morning two of them are stuck together - like if you put shell opening to shell opening, that's how they're positioned - is this mating?

I rather like the snails, so I'm not worried.... Er, should I be? :)

Jchillin said:
Unfortunately (or fortunately...depends on your situation), ramshorns are asexual.
although i agree that can reproduce asexually if need be, i am pretty sure they are hermaphodites (both male and female in the same animal) and will "mate" and swap genetic material when ever possible.

not 100% on that one, but from an evolutionary point of view asexual reproduction in not very good

sex = new genetic combinations = stronger individuals = (y)
JDogg said:
Jchillin said:
Unfortunately (or fortunately...depends on your situation), ramshorns are asexual.
although i agree that can reproduce asexually if need be, i am pretty sure they are hermaphodites (both male and female in the same animal) and will "mate" and swap genetic material when ever possible.

not 100% on that one, but from an evolutionary point of view asexual reproduction in not very good

sex = new genetic combinations = stronger individuals = (y)

That is entirely possible and well should occur from time to time. I'm not 100% sure either.
watch for clutches. You will see little round things (smaller than a dime) on your glass, plants, gravel, anywhere underwater. After about a week, you can really see the snails forming in the clutch. Then, one day, the clutch will magically disappear, and you won't see the snails until they get bigger.

I have had my red ramshorns for a few months now, and just got the pleasure today of watching a clutch hatch. They breed like crazy, laying (IME) 13-20 eggs in a clutch. I love mine, can't wait til the babies get bigger. I have seen the baby ramshorns in one of my tanks, they are at least a month old (haven't had the adult snails in there for about that long)
well hate to say this but i got only 2 snails with my plants and had some jelly sacks on the plants. well long story short i got over 50 snails now lol they mate like rabbits . i just suck them up when i clean my gravel keeps the numbers down . good luck
Heeee! Okay, I believe I now have snail eggs. Flat discs of round things stuck to my driftwood, large ramshorn snail spotted nearby....

I REALLY hope I don't end up with a tank FULL of snails, but I'm getting some algae so I'm sure I could use a few more! I think I have a red one and some spotted ones and some brown ones.... Okay, I can't help it, new tank, first eggs... I'm excited! :)
yep, sounds like eggs. Watch it over the next week or so, you should start to see little round things inside the clutch. Those are baby snails :D I had more hatch while I was out of town, I am about to have alot of red ramshorns ;)
A lot of people say they have problems with snails, but I've had a population of them in my tank for about seven months now and they haven't gotten out of control. Apparently, there was a clutch of those little ramshorn eggs on some plants I got, and they hatched into a few snails. Now there are probably dozens (maybe as many as 50) little ones hiding in there, but they don't bother me. My tank is a 29 gallon and I figure they just eat any leftover food and act as scavengers helping to keep the tank clean. I actually enjoy watching one or two glide across the glass on their epic journeys from one side of the tank to another. So I like them.

Of course, I could be writing in a few months ranting and raving how I have 700+ of them, and you will all just smile and shake your heads. :)
Heh, I realized there's several more discs of eggs than I'd originally seen... I could be in for a population explosion as well. We might be ranting and raving together! :)
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