Asian Algae Eaters

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 4, 2004
Nova Scotia, Canada

I'm in the process of setting up a more-or-less South Asian biotope, with exception the melon swords currently growing in my tank... Anyway, I'm looking for an algae eater for my tank that will stay relatively small, is from the more southerna regions of Asia (Thailand, Malaysia, etc) that will not become overly aggressive. I have two SAEs of which one of them will be coming out of the tank. I find they are great for removing hair algae but not overly effective on the green algae... and they are eating my fish food as well... I'm suspicioning they may be flying foxes and mislabeled, even though near as my research can tell, they seem to be SAEs...

Any suggestions?
If you're seeking generic algae-eating organisms (as opposed to specific Cyprinids) some Caridean shrimp may fit the bill.
Thanks guys! They are definately SAEs... but they don't seem to eat a lot of green algae...I'll look into the shrimp, they could be cool ^_^
You could try Butterfly Plecos, otherwise known as a Hillstream Loach, they hail from China I believe, stay small, eat green algae and are really neat. Or there are the best known algae eating shrimp the Amano shrimp which I believe originate in Japan. Good luck. HTH
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