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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 24, 2003
i really think that pet stores should get more knowledgable staff members for the fish section of the store. I dunno bout other areas but around Arlington Virginia the staff in the fish sections of pet stores are somewhat...dumb. when i started goldfish keeping as a hobby, my first 5 fish died. it really was not my fault. it was the pet store guy. he had a HUGE fish section and no knowledge about fish whatsoever. He told me just to "fill her up with water when i got home and dump the goldfish in." I was like "really? is that it?" and said yup they are pretty tough fish. So i went home, and i did that and the fish were floating at the top the next morning. HE DIDN"T TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT THE CHLORINE IN THE WATER OF THE TAP, SO MY FISH JUST DIED. but anyway i thought it needed to be adressed. there really should be a much more "fish-fact-friendly staff at the pet store. i mean common, fish are delicate :x
Yes, I agree, I have to say that they also act on the premis that the customer would know a certain amount of info going into it or, would ask questions regarding keeping fish.
I have overheard horror stories waiting to happen from employees giving wrong or bad advice to the customer while I was shopping.
I am pretty outgoing and when I do hear this kind of advice, I will politely advise the customer of the wrong info, and try to help just as if I worked there. I have gotten mixed results from this, but more good than bad.
The worst thing I hate is when they do not know, and don't say " I don't know, but, let me find someone who I believe can help you". or leave you hanging and start helping someone else. :x
This is a valid realization that whether it be fish keeping or any animal, most hobbiests have found. The best advice I can give anyone is, before you go looking for fish or animals, make a stop to the local library and check out some books on your projected hobby at heart. Then venture into it...
There's two places that sell fish near here - one is a general pet store, one is a specialist freshwater fish place. I always go to the specialist. The staff are really helpful and knowledgable and the fish are much cheaper. Also they run quarantine for new fish before they sell, then if you buy one which gets sick or dies, or gets too big, or fights your other fish, they'll take it back and/or swap for another one. :D Couldn't ask for more really. And I can call or email for advice.
i agree with timbo2 that you have to take responsibility for yourself...just like anything else you do in life, you should do your research and be at least informed well enough to be able to ask intelligent questions and distinguish intelligent responses....and for the record, very few fish store folks know what is going on , much less anything about the hobby--now all the chain stores are taking over, and it is hard to find anyone but kids to work there for min wage....
At one LFS around me a clerk asked me if a Toadstool Leather would sting him. They also tried to get snails with a net. It just really upset me because I applied to work there. I hate to see people that don't know what they are doing in a position that I could be in and actually do it right.
you cant rely on someone at the petstore to help you, plain and simple. you are much better off reading up with books and online. Even if the people at the fish store *seem* to know what they are talking about, i still dont trust em. I mean you dont know what kind of experience they have at all. Maybe they just had a goldfish 5 years ago, so now they think they are some sort of fish afficionado.
All of the petstores around here employ high school kids. they never know anything. some of the things i have heard them tell other customers...its ridiculous. Selling pacaus saying they only get 6", saying a fish OBVIOUSLY suffering from ick is "supposed to look like that"...jesus its like they are stupid. In fact, ive concluded this whole stupid problem is spreading in the schools because just the other day, the kid bagging my groceries asked me what flavor "organic" was "uuuuhhhh is that like chocolate?"
ladies and gentlemen...i present to you the future leaders of america
I am glad to say that I go to my local Petsmart and the 2 employee's I ask anything for have been around over 5 years. If one doesn't know something they will not be afraid to tell me "I don't know"

They have been more than helpful and honest with me (which is what I truly appreciate).

I won't go to walmart to buy fish, only because (and this is my opionion only) I have seen more dead fish than any other store and they will just sit there to get the other fish sick and it's disgusting!!! I don't know how often they clean their tanks but it's NOT enough... I never see anyone just working in the fish department... So probably anyone that's around helps out.
This is the only message board I use were threads get bumped from YEARS ago_Odd isn't it?

I mean what page could this have been on when it was replyed too??lol
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