Beginner stock for 60 gallon cube tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 13, 2013
Hi, I'm new to the saltwater hobby and am in need of some advice. My sister is giving me her old 60 gallon cube tank as it is just sitting in storage. I am looking for some hardy, generally easy to care for fish. I am thinking of getting 1 - 2 ocellaris clownfish, and possibly a starfish (will they be able to live well together in this size tank?). I am curious as to what would make some good tank mates? Fish, inverts, corals, etc. Any advice is appreciated! Just need to know where to start. :)
Hi, I'm new to the saltwater hobby and am in need of some advice. My sister is giving me her old 60 gallon cube tank as it is just sitting in storage. I am looking for some hardy, generally easy to care for fish. I am thinking of getting 1 - 2 ocellaris clownfish, and possibly a starfish (will they be able to live well together in this size tank?). I am curious as to what would make some good tank mates? Fish, inverts, corals, etc. Any advice is appreciated! Just need to know where to start. :)

Welcome To the world of SW!! :) After the tank has cycled, which will probably take 4-6 weeks, 2 clowns would be great. Starfish are cool, but I would cation you against red or blue linkias; they die more often then not. Brittle starfish are cool and a lot of people like the serpent stars (although I've read that the green ones can go after fish when thy get big enough, but I don't have one to have any first hand experience in that). Some other hardy fish are blue reef chromis or blue green chromis. They like to be in goups, so 3-5 is a good number. There are a lot o gorgeous wrasses that would work: blue handed wrasse, ruby headed wrasse, six line, etc. check out and look at all the wrasses. You will need a lid of some sort with a wrasse; they tend to jump. There are some cool blennies too. I have a starry blenny, but there's lots of others: lawnmower, bicolor, Midas, harptail, sailfin, and lots of others you can see on liveaquaria. Your first step will be getting the tank set up and cycling. There are lots of articles on this website about cycling, so read up on those. During cycling is the perfect time to narrow down your stocking list. I would suggest painting the back of the tank before you get it set up; that'll hide all the cords and such from view. Let us know what questions you have after you've read up on cycling!!
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